A new humpback whale in the bay
Today we went out on our biggest boat called Garðar. We went first out at 10 o’clock. We had almost a full boat and actually a big crew too since we still have some people in training for the season. We went close to the mountains and parked the boat in a big flock of birds. The whales were all around the boat. Humbacks, minkes and also a few harbor porpoises. The porpoises where really playful and coming more out of the water than usually. On the second trip we had fewer people and went again close to the mountains. We had both minke whales and humpbacks. We could sometimes see the minkes head and there where humpback flukes all over the place. We actually saw a new humpback whale in the bay. Christian was with me in the crows nest and took pictures of it’s fluke. He is always photographing the humpbacks tales and knows them a part. Every humpback has their own pattern on the fluke, just like fingerprints. We will hopefully see in the next days if it stays around. It has not gotten a name yet but Christian is working on it.
Best wishes