Four humpback whales in the first whale watching tour of the year!
“It was a fantastic trip in every way and such an enjoyable start of the season,” said Heimir Harðarson, captain at North Sailing, who went on the first whale watching trip of the year this weekend.

Excellent conditions for whale watching
We sailed from the harbour in Húsavík on the old oak boat Náttfari with around 20 people on board. Conditions were excellent, with mild weather and calm seas. There was great anticipation among the crew and passengers when Náttfari set off. Once again, Skjálfandi bay did not disappoint its visitors.

Four whales after only 15 minutes
After only about 15 minutes of sailing, no less than four humpback whales appeared. The passengers, some of whom had come a long way, could hardly express their admiration of this incredible experience.

Great February Whale watching
“It was whale watching as it happens best in Skjálfandi Bay, and that in the middle of February! This is certainly promising for the season to come,” said Heimir, who is starting his 27th year with North Sailing.

Daily tours starting the 1st of March
Our daily whale watching trips will start on Monday, the 1st of March. Join us for an authentic wildlife adventure.