Great month of May

Since North Sailing started its operation on 1995, the month of May has never been so prosperous. The wildlife on Skjálfandi Bay has been fantastic, with lots of humpbacks, minke whales and dolphins, as well as abundant of seabirds – much more than in the past few years. The passengers this spring have therefore been…

Sperm Whale on Skjálfandi Bay!

During a whale watching tour onboard Bjössi Sör on Skjálfandi Bay yesterday Sperm Whales were sighted. A Sperm Whale has not been seen before on North Sailing tours during the 11 summers the company has offered whale watching tours from Húsavík. „We have not seen Sperm Whale here in the bay before, only their blow…

Good start after a few days of bad weather

After a few days break of whale watching, due to strong northerly winds, cold weather…. and snow, ‘Bjössi Sör’ sailed back out to Skjálfandi Bay yesterday. Despite a little movement in the sea the experienced captain Hrólfur Þórhallsson found 3 humpbacks that entertained the 30 passengers onboard. North Sailing staff believes that the summer has…

Old house on a new location

As reported on our website earlier this year, North Sailing bought a 90 year old house ‘Skuld’. The house was recently moved to Húsavík again after total renovation and, in its new location, it will serve as a Café, run by the local bakery. The name for the Café will be ‘Café Skuld’ from the…

Two dynamic weeks of whale watching

In the last two weeks the conditions on sea have been good. The sightings during this time have exceeded all expectations and the wild life is thriving in Skjálfandi, both below and above the surface. Humpbacks and dolphins have played the leading roles in North Sailing tours as well as the abundant bird life; arctic…

Fantastic Humpback show!

Yet another successful whale watching tour confirms that this season start is one of the best from the beginning. In total 4 Humpbacks, 6 White Beaked Dolphins and a few Harbour Porpoises were spotted and 2 of the Humpbacks put up a great show for passengers and crew. When they had been feeding for a…

Different generations enjoy whale watching

Today we had good weather on sea and the whale sightings where equally good. In total 3 humpbacks, 3 minke whales, a few harbour porpoises and 1 seal was sighted. On board were 42 passengers from various countries, e.g. Denmark, UK, France, Poland, Germany, and Iceland. Among the Icelanders where 14 residents of the retirement…

Vibrant summer start

One can for sure say that the first days of Whale Watching in Skjálfandi Bay are promising for the season to come for the reason that all of North Sailing´s tours so far have been very successful. Today we made two tours where 3 Humpbacks, 2 Minke whales and 20-30 White Beaked Dolphins were spotted.…

First trip of the season

The first trip of the season was today, 30th April and ‘Bjössi Sör’ one of North Sailing’s boats sailed out with 13 excited passengers. The weather was ideal, calm and sunny and the crew, captain Hörður Sigurbjarnarson and guide Nils B. Hailer were delighted to be out on sea again after a whole winter on…

Annual Report 2005 – better late than never!

When thinking back to the summer of 2005, the first thing that springs to mind is the unsettled weather conditions. Northerly winds where dominating which made sea-based activities difficult. In total the weather affected schedule on 28 days during the summer and thereof we had to cancel all trips during 21 days. Due to this,…

NEW – 3 day Island Hopping in the Arctic

Want to try something new? See Iceland from a different perspective? North Sailing offers a new option to enjoy Icelandic nature in a unique way. A 3 day exciting adventure sailing on Iceland’s only schooner, offers you close encounter with nature, interesting historic sites, magnificent midnight sun, sail training, whale & bird watching & so…

Garðarshólmi – ‘The Isle of Garðar’

Garðarshólmi is a project North-Sailing has been working on for years and aims to set up a non-profit educational centre, located in Húsavík, where settlement of Nordic men first started in Iceland. Garðarshólmi will be dedicated to the Swedish explorer Garðar Svavarsson and his travel companion Náttfari which sailed to Iceland in 870 AD. Garðar…

Swedish Viking visits Húsavík

For the past few days North Sailing has had a Swedish ‘Viking’ helping out with some important projects. The ‘Viking’ is called Leif Nilson and comes from Skärhamn which is a town in the west Swedish archipelago. The town is the same size as Húsavík, with a population of 2500 inhabitants, and is located in…