Beautiful Blues!

The Blue whale heading south in to the bay © Colin Williams This morning our North Sailing boat, schooner Haukur reported some exciting news to the rest of the fleet: "Some BIG whales out on the horizon north west of Puffin island!" Our two other boats, Knörrinn and Bjössi Sör, who had just left the harbour…

2000 whale watching tours for North Sailing

Yesterday captain Hrólfur came into the harbour from his North Sailing whale watching tour number 2000! Hrólfur has been working for North Sailing since the year 2000 but before he had worked for two years at another whale watching company. It's therefore safe to say that there are not a lot of whale watching captains who…

Successful annual town festival

The annual Swedish days and the town festival Mærudagar (sweet-days) were celebrated in Húsavík last week. The weather forecast for the week had not been looking good but fortunately it turned out fine apart from a windy Thursday when North Sailing had to cancel all the trips, including an annual sailing to the settlement of…

An enthusiastic passenger

  William Wright with the crew on Haukur, captain Gísli and guide Martin. Sometimes it happens that people who visit North Sailing simply want to go again and again. That was the case with William Wright from Scotland who has already been on four tours, twice on Schooner Haukur and twice on the regular whale watching.…

Up to five different species a day

The last days in the bay have been really successful. Apart from a windy day today the weather has been at its best, sunny and warm, which makes the whale watching even more memorable. As mentioned on the webpage two days ago we have been enjoying the presence of the blue whales again after they had…

Raggabar get-together

Last night the staff of North Sailing, Restaurant Gamli Baukur, Café Skuld and the crew of kutter Dagmar Aaen got together celebrating the opening of Raggabar. Raggabar is situated under the stairs next to Gamli Baukur and there it is possible to get delicious grilled hamburgers and more good stuff from the grill and of…

Great days with humpback whales

After a few amazing weeks with blue whales in the bay they seem to have left us but the humpback whales remain to our passengers great pleasure. The last days have been calm and nice, a bit foggy at times but that luckily hasn't prevented us from finding the humpbacks. They have been staying at…

Blue whale mania!

A mighty Blue whale beside our boat Bjössi Sör It´s been almost 4 weeks since the first Blue whale of the season came into our bay and it´s been truly amazing to enjoy their presence almost every day since! These creatures are truly mysterious and perhaps the most well known and interesting fact about the blue whale…

Café Skuld reopened

Café Skuld was reopened last week after a few improvements and is now a souvenir shop as well as a café with light courses. Café Skuld is probably the best place in town to sit down in a nice weather and enjoy the view over the harbour. Café Skuld was first opened in 2006 after…

Midnight sun tour

Yesterday, June 21st, was the longest day of the year here in Iceland. From now on the day will slowly getting shorter and shorter. The midnight sun was shining in the evening tour when captain Hreiðar and guide Þórdís sailed out to Skjálfandi bay with exited whale watchers.   Blue whale in the midnight sun…

Breaching humpback and minke!

We have had great luck with the whales in the past few days. Several blue whales, a breaching humpback and a breaching minke, orcas in two tours and of course the smaller dolphins and harbour porpoises.    The weather until today has been fine, some sunny days and some cloudy ones. Unfortunately today we had…

Whale paradise!

The last few days are hard to describe.  With up to 5 species in each trip and there amongst Blue whales, Humpback whales and Killer whales!   The days are long, the sun is shining (although it is rather cold still, especially out on sea) and abundance of whales. Up to 5 blue whales have…

The first Blue whale of the season

The first Blue whale of the season was spotted today!  Passengers on board Schooner Haukur had a whale of a time when they spotted 5 species of whales on their 3 day tour over the weekend.   One of the ca. 10 humpback whales spotted during the tour, most of them were in the Grímsey…

New whaling season starts

Today the first whale hunting boat went out this season. Their mission is to hunt minke whales but the minke whale has been one of the most important species when building up Icelandic whale watching which has been the fastest growing sector within tourism in Iceland since 1995.   North Sailing is strongly against whale hunting and in our…

A breaching minke whale!

The crew and passengers on Náttfari this afternoon got an amazing show when they spotted a minke whale that breached over 40 times. Minke whales are known to do this occasionally but it can be hard to know the purpose of this kind of behaviour. Whichever the reason is, it definitely is a feast for…

A whale project for kids

A group of youngsters from the local school went out this morning but the trip was a part of a whale   Hilda teaches the kids to fish and captain Hreiðar makes sure she does it right project that they participate in. The project is run by Þórhildur Jónsdóttir and the aim is to educate…

The first humpback whale of the season

Crew and passangers on Náttfari this morning had a lovely surprise when a humpback whale was spotted. This is the first tour of the season where a humpback whale is seen. The humpback whale seemed to be feeding but was quite relaxed and everybody got a really good look.   Three minke whales were also spotted…

Two trips a day in May

Tomorrow, May 1st, our schedule will change when we start to go whale watching twice a day, at 10:00 and 13:30. The trips in april have usually been successful, in total 4 species have been spotted: minke whales, killer whales, white-beaked dolphins and harbour porpoises. For information and booking see here or contact us by e-mail…

Orcas in the bay!

On today's whale watching trip the crew and passengers on Náttfari found a group of Orcas. It was a group of 6-8 animals, scattered around a small area and the animals were obviously feeding. They were pretty calm and everyone had a really nice look. White-beaked dolphins were also spotted on the tour.   Orcas, also named Killer…

First trip of the season yesterday

Yesterday, Náttfari with 24 passengers sailed out on the first trip of the season. As can be expected in April it was a cold tour but the bay was beautiful and a small group of dolphins were spotted. Everyone got a good look and were really glad to see dolphins in their natural habitat. Quite a lot of birds were…

Season start – coming up!

This year, we have decided to pre-start the season in Skjálfandi bay on Sunday April 12th and Monday  13th at 13:30 (weather permitting).  So far, summer hasn´t arrived after quite heavy snow storm at the end of March, but we are waiting anxiously for it to show up and bring our bay to life.   If…