Pictures from the first days of July

The first days of July have been going swimmingly and here are a few photos taken by one of our guides, Christian Schmidt, during some trips.   Lundey bathed in beautiful light.     The puffins of Lundey.   Capt. Alli back at work.   Two humpbacks and Húsavík.   A humpbacks fluke.   A…

Whale-watching in Ólafsfjörður

Whale-watching in our new location, Ólafsfjörður will start again on Friday the 1st of July. There haven’t been any trips for a few days now due to very bad weather, heavy rain and wind. The setting of Ólafsfjörður, at the mouth of Eyjafjörður fjord, is ideal for whale watching, literally minutes away from known feeding…

Getting to know Agnés

Agnés Fournier comes from Montréal in Canada and has worked for North Sailing for the past two summers. I sat down with her to learn a little about her and how she ended up here, in the far North. “I lived here for a few years when I was a kid. My parents were music…

Safety drill

Today we haven’t been going out for whale watching since the weather is rough out in the bay. On days like these we like to do safety drills with our crew, it’s important to constantly going over safety measures and exercises to be ready when, and if, something ever happens.         Excited…

Great weather and plenty of whales!

The summer is here and the sun is shining.  The whales seem find this most agreeable, and in the last few days we’ve had great success in our tours.  We’ve seen a variety of species such as the Humpback whale, the Minke whale, White-Beaked dolphins as well as the magnificent Blue whale! We’ve also not…

Super whale watching

At 13:00 I came down to the pier and waited for our boat, Bjössi Sör, to return from the morning trip. Guide Christian said it was probably one of the best whale watching tour he had ever been on, they saw 4 humpback whales in the same spot and then they found a minke whale…

Blue whales in the bay again!

It seems like the Blue whales are once again on time, but the last few years we have seen them around the same time, around the beginning of June.  In fact, the 27th of May was also the first day we spotted them last year, so they are very timely!     An hour and a…

South Iceland emerges from the ashes

Clean-up operations following the eruption in Grímsvötn are well under way. Most of the ejected ash fell in a small area South and Southeast of the volcano, but locals expect to be able to resume life as usual in a matter of days.   Minister for Industry, Energy and Tourism, Katrin Juliusdottir, has extended a…

Grímsvötn Volcanic Eruption

Professor Magnús Tumi Guðmundsson, geophysicist at the University of Iceland, has confirmed that volcanic activity in Grímsvötn has peaked, and while the eruption has not been declared over, it will most likely not reach previous volumes. The eruption continued yesterday, but the volcano has only emitted a fraction of the material it previously spewed. Today,…

A breaching Humpback whale!

Yes, today at 13:30 some 9 lucky passengers left the harbour with us and they sure did not know what they had coming! We found a nice humpback whale after about 40 mins which we followed for a while, or until we spotted another blow a bit further north. The wind had picked up quite…

Perfect whale watching on Friday 13th

This morning was one of the best whale watching tours we have had this season so far. We went out in perfect whale watching conditions and it didn’t take us long to spot the blow from a humpback whale. We went closer and while we were waiting for the humpback whale to come up again,…

Getting ready for the season

Everything is almost ready for the whale watching season but in the next few weeks the stream of tourists is going to increase a lot. We have been lucky with both weather, whales and number of passengers since we started going out on tours the 1st of April this year. In the good weather today…

Humpbacks and minke whales

This morning captain Hrólfur, guide Halla Marín and some 29 passengers went out on Knörrinn hoping to find whales. And whales they found!   After about a half an hour sailing west a humpback whale appeared much to the enjoyment of both passengers and crew members. A humpback whale hasn’t been seen in the bay…

The first Humpback whale of the season!

We usually have very high sighting rates on our whale watching tours and it doesn’t happen very often that there are no whales or dolphins seen on a tour. But from time to time we have trips like the one yesterday, where we were searching a huge area for almost three and a half hours…

Minke whales in beautiful weather

The weather has been very nice the last days here in Húsavík with a lot of sun and there seems to be more and more life in the bay now. During the last three days we have seen two minke whales and several harbour porpoises on every tour as well as many different kinds of…

Construction work on Náttfari coming to an end

Those who have been following our news section on our website are aware of the reconstruction and renovation of North Sailing‘s vessel, Náttfari during the winter months.   The new railing on backboard and stern side of the boat is almost finished and the new 420 horsepower Scania engine is getting ready to be tested.…