The year Christmas came early….

Only being early October it feels a little early for Christmas but Húsavík sure looks like Father Christmas is just around the corner. This is exceptionally early for so much snow to settle and came as quite a surprise to many. Below are a few pictures of the town as it looks today. KK

Whale watching season at an end

The 2005 whale watching season in Húsavík is now at its end. The official schedule ended on the 20th September but after that, we sailed with a few special groups. As soon as the weather gets better the plan is to take a group of children from the local school of Húsavík across the bay…

Whale watching still in operation

September has brought all types of weather and some days have been too windy to go out on our scheduled trips. Other days the weather has been extremely good for this time of year and there isn’t much that can compare to watching whales in the stunning autumn colours with the snow-capped mountains as a…

A group of British journalists visits Húsavík

A group of five British journalists visited Húsavík last Saturday. The trip was organized by the tour operator Discover the World and the Icelandic Tourist Board. The itinerary included some of the famous sites of the North, e.g. Lake Myvatn, Whale Watching, Whale Museum, but also some lesser know attractions e.g. berry picking, wine and…

And more humpbacks!

Skjálfandi Bay seems to be a popular place for the humpbacks thouse days as they´re still around and have been seen in North Sailing tours both yesterday and today. In our 13:30 tour today the a humpback breched compleatly out of the water… an amazing sight for all nature lovers. The pictures below are taken…

Whale feast at the end of August

After a few days of windy weather North Sailing boats could finally sail out again yesterday and the bay seems to be full of life, much more so than normally at this time of the year. Today our trips spotted a humpback, a minke whale, dolphins and even saw the glimpse of harbour porpoises… a…

Fin whales, humpbacks and sunny weather…

Even though the fin whale that our boats spotted on Friday didn’t stay with us for long, the humpbacks have returned had have been seen in many of North Sailing’s tours this weekend and today, to the enjoyment of our passengers. The weather has also added to the experience and with clear skies and warm…

Fin whale on the bay

Just now North Sailing crew onboard m/b Knörrinn spotted a fin whale on the bay to much joy of the 34 passengers sailing with Captain Hrólfur Þórhallsson. Fin whales are the world’s second largest animals after the blue whales, and can weigh up to 80 tons and measure up to 25 meters in length. The…

With the puffins gone….

North Sailing’s tour, ‘NS2 – Whales, Puffins and Sails’ has been a real susses this summer and with doubled departures from last year many more have gotten the chance to enjoy sailing on Haukur, Iceland’s only schooner. ‘NS2’ also seems to appeal more to Icelanders than the standard whale watching tour and we look forward…

The Blue’s are back!

Last night the Blue Whales returned to the bay to much joy of around 40 passengers travelling with North Sailing boats, in the beautiful midnight sun. The bay has been full of live in the past few days and our crew has spotted at least four minke whales and large schools of dolphins, up to…

Rescue Drill in bad weather

During the last two days winds have been high in Husavik and Skjalfandi bay and as a result we haven’t been able to go out whale watching. To make the most of the time the on-duty crew was sent on a rescue drill which Hrólfur Þórhallsson, North Sailing’s most experienced captain, lead. The wind is…

The Blue Whales are back

A Blue Whale has been seen from North Sailing´s boats a few minutes ago, to much joy of our crew and passengers. The Blue Whale is the largest animal that has ever lived on the earth and can be up to 33 meters in length, weigh 120 tons and their blows can be as high…

The humpback is back

After a few days without seeing a humpback whale, North Sailing vessel Bjössi Sör found a humpback this morning. Not only was the humpback entertaining our guests this morning but also minke whales and dolphins. In the last few days up to 200 dolphins have been sighted on our trips and that is a spectacular…

Medieval whale watching in 2005

The atmosphere on board Knörrin last Wednesday was unique: medieval and romantic. Eight spanish gentlemen who study engineering in Valencia are these days traveling around Iceland. But what makes their visit so special and remarkable is that during their stay in Iceland they wear spanish national costumes and play and sing spanish traditional folksongs. They…

In Húsavík for 11 nights and days

There are examples of passengers returning for North Sailing´s whale watching year after year, and some people even take several tours pr. stay. Oscar and Marina Armanini from Switzerland were in Húsavík last summer and went out 3 times with North Sailing. This summer they returned and now they are staying 11 nights in Húsavík,…

Many whales & many whale watchers

The busiest season of the year is approaching fast and in the last few days number of passengers have been up to 400 pr. day with up to 12 different departures at North Sailing. The life in the bay has been vibrant. Several Minke whales together with dolphins have been our regular performers, with up…