Cold but beautiful

Today was whale watching tour no. 4 this season. Bjössi Sör went out at 13:30 with 4 passengers and the weather was beautiful but rather cold. We sailed out towards the Puffin island where we saw thousands of puffins which are busy preparing their nests. This time, the whales did not show up but it´s…

Volcano eruption in South Iceland

  Today is the third day of volcanic eruption under Eyjafjallajökull glacier in the South of Iceland. Now it seems to be stable and it´s worth mentioning that there has been no ash fall in the North of Iceland were we´re located. It is completely safe to visit Húsavík and the northern part of Iceland…

The first Whale Watching tour of the year!

  Today at 13:30 Northsailing started the Whale Watching season when Bjössi Sör left the harbour with 10 passengers on board and together with Captain Hrólfur and Guide Nils.   After about 20 min. sailing, we found a Humpback whale which was in a good mood and did some tail splash for us. After a while, we carried on and set…

Gardar up in the shipyard

  One of the two newest Northsailing boats Gardar is now up in the Husavik shipyard for the first time for witch we can call a final touch, meaning both routine maintenance and repairing if require. This will probably take few veeks. This is the biggest wooden boat who have ever been in this shipyard…

Mast for Gardar

  This week, a work on new mast for Gardar started at Northsailings workshop, this is a Icelandic spruce tree from Hallormstad. The mast will be around 12 m high or little longer if we reckon the flagpole who will be attach with the mast. Her are some photos of the erly work on the…

Gardar: Tanks, pipes and paint

  There is lot of work to reconstruct  a passengership like Gardar, there is new tanks, new electricity, new pipes and then of course paint, and probably many more things.   Gardar is soon to be ready for the Húsavikshipyard which will be part of the final work on her.   We go on board…

The German division

Through the years, some foreigners have been working as tour guide‘s for North Sailing and majority of them are from Germany. Usually they have joined the company after been working for the Whale Museum for one or more season and got to know the operation by going out with our boats, doing research for the museum. Three…

Húsavík shipyard

Two of North Sailing´s boats, Schooner Haukur and Bjössi Sör have been up in the shipyard for the past few weeks where they´ve undergone routine maintenance.   Since the season start is nearing, things are starting to happen and Schooner Haukur went down from the shipyard last Monday and now some maintenance and improvements are being done…

The Humback whale

  One of the whale species to be seen during summer time in Skjalfandi Bay is the majestic Humpback whale. In the past years the sightings of Humbacks has increased. Now it is one of he most likely to be seen whale during our tours.   The Humpback is a baleen whale, which means that…

The Passengership Gardar

The construction work in Gardar has been successful since new year, and non unforeseen problems have come up.   Following are some pictures, taken in January and February 2010.   HÞ     In the Wheelhouse   Jonas is  tightening the frontdeck with Wool.   Adalsteinn is painting the Engine room.   Big plans !   Down…

Garðar – update

For the past few days there have been up to 10 men working on Garðar in Húsavík harbour. A temporary shelter is beeing built over the boat to make all work easier on deck, giving shelter from rain or snow. Following are a few photos of this week´s work.   The shelter is beeing built …

Environmental Award nomination

North Sailing has been nominated for the Icelandic Tourist Board´s  Environmental Awards 2009. The purpose of the awards is to put focus on tourism organisations that are active in environmental issues. They are meant to encourage tourism companies and their customers to be more concerned about their environment with the industry´s future in mind. This…


  Garðar, built in Esbjerg, Denmark is one of the largest oak boats afloat in Iceland Restoration of Garðar, a 109 ton oak boat continued during the summer and this fall the project was put into full swing were around 10-12 men work daily on this complicated and extensive reconstruction. But it’s It´s not only…

October Whale Watching

The 2009 season is soon coming to an end and from October 1st – 20th we´ll have one daily departure at 10:00. For booking and information about weather conditions, plese give us a call +354 464 7272, write an e-mail or book online.  

Hildur í Danmörku / Hildur in Denmark

Hildur came to port in Egernsund this morning and the journey was overall very successful. We´ll post some further news of the sailing when the crew returns to Húsavík. Following pictures were taken this morning when Hildur sailed to port in Egensund.   Hildur kom til Egernsund í morgun og gekk ferðin á heildina litið…

Bad weather for two days

The past two days have been very bad for whale watching. The strong winds from the North have stopped us from going out to sea altogether. We tried going out at twelve o‘clock yesterday but had to turn back as soon as we reached the opening of the harbour.    The sea is very rough,…

The travels of a blue whale

The Marine Research Institute of Iceland just reported on their webpage that they have been tracking a blue whale by satellite. The satellite transmitter was put in the blue whale here in Skjálfandi Bay on June 23rd or 56 days ago. During that time the blue whale has traveled approximately 7.700 km. It stayed in Skjálfandi for…