Season 2010 – a successful ending

Our whale watching season has come to an end our last day of operation was October 17th, but we have been very fortunate with the weather and whale sightings in September and beginning of October – we are confident that our visitors return to their home countries with good memories and fantastic pictures.   We invite…


The whale festival goes on

Today we just had another wonderful day in Skjàlfandi Bay. In conditions like this, it is simply a lot of fun to be out at sea. Captain Hròlfur and I went out at 10:00 on “Bjössi Sör” in calm seas and good conditions (it was just a bit foggy further out) and we managed to…


Great whale watching in the end of the season!

The past days have been really good; good weather and good whales. On Saturday three humback whales were seen along with two minkes and yesterday our guide, Christian, describes the trip so:   The weather was really great when I went out with captain Hrólfur onboard “Bjössi Sör” this morning. When leaving the harbour, we…


Great tour the 10.10.10' at 10 o clock:)

The weather was really great when I went out with captain Hrólfur onboard “Bjössi Sör” this morning. When leaving the harbour, we were setting the course directly north-west, towards the area where we had seen the humpback whale yesterday. Of course we had hope that he is still around, but obviously the whale had left…


Humpbacks again!

We had not seen the humpback whales for a while now (the last sighting was on September, 26th), but during the last days we also had a period of bad weather and big swell, which prevented us of going out on two of these days. However, this morning we went out in really good conditions…


Four species of marine mammals

To be honest, I was not very optimistic when I left the harbour  together with captain Hrólfur at 10:00 today (2.Oct.) on Bjössi Sör, as the wind was blowing quite strong, which makes it sometimes a bit hard to spot the whales. It turned out, however, to be a really good tour.   We were…


Whale in spite of the wind!

This morning there were strong winds from the south blowing when we went out and as the time went by they got even stronger!   We were incredibly lucky though, because after about an hour we came across a Minke whale which surfaced right next to the boat a couple of times before diving into…


Beautiful day

The weather today is totally awesome. Warm southern breeze and calm sea. Doesn´t get any better for whale watching! In the 10:00 tour this morning we saw two Minke whales and a dozen of Dolphins. We had been watching the Minke while for quite a while when we heard about Dolphins a bit futher north…


Humpbacks working on shifts?

During the weekend, we saw the humpback whales again on all 4 tours:  On both trips on Saturday as well as on both trips on Sunday we saw one humpback whale per trip.All sightings occurred in the same area, but there was something really strange about it:It might have also been just a coincidence, but…


Two species!

I went on both tours today with captain Hrólfur and we had a great success! On the 10:00 tour we spent quality time with two Minke whales and got lucky because they kept surfacing close to the boat.   In the afternoon however we didn‘t find any Minke whales and the tour was more than…


Humpbacks still around!

Today I went on both tours, a 10:00  and 13:30, and I was very excited because I had heard of the humpback whales from yesterday and was determined to find them again today!   And so we did.   On both tours we saw a humpback whale after quite a search and we managed to…


Autumn Whale Watching

This morning, our crew on Bjössi Sör found a total of 3 Humpback whales and 1 Minke whale in the bay to much pleasure of both passengers and crew! The last days have been successful in the bay with some minke whales and dolphins but when the Humpback whales show up, there´s always extra much…


After the storm

After three days without sailing, here we are again doing our best to find the whales. The last three days were really windy (21m/s), rainy and cold, so we couldn‘t go out. Today the day was still cold, autumn has arrived but it was sunny and the waves were still high, but they couldn‘t stop…
