Four species on one trip!

Today was a really crazy day here in Skjálfandi Bay! Especially the tour at 13:30 was a really special one: On this tour we encountered four different species! It started with a very nice group of white-beaked dolphins close to the mountains in the western part of the bay and after taking a good look…


Dolphin day in Skjálfandi Bay

We have had three very nice tours in fantastic weather conditions today: The sun was shining almost the whole day, there was not a single cloud to be seen and the sea was as flat as a mirror.   On all three trips we encountered minke whales, harbour porpoises and large numbers of white-beaked dolphins.…


Plenty of whales in the bay

As we headed out to the bay this morning the bay was laying in front of us. No cloud was visible an the see was calm. Captain Hrólfur set the course towards the mountains. After about an hour of sailing we spotted the first Minke Whale of the day. After a while we spotted some…


The baleen whales are back!

We started our tour this morning by taking a good look at the puffins at Lundey, the puffin island here in Skjálfandi bay. It is always a pleasure to see these charismatic little “clowns of the sea” close-up and preparing everything for the upcoming nesting season.   We continued our trip as we set the…


Winter has come back for one day

It was quite cold today here in Húsavík as the wind was coming from the north the whole day. We left the harbour this morning in hope to find yesterday’s minke whales again. They were not as close to Húsavík as yesterday, but after about 45 minutes of sailing, we came across one of the…


Minke whales, puffins and sails

It was a bit cold, but still nice weather when we left the harbour onboard our sailing schooner “Haukur” this morning.   We started the tour with taking a short look at the bird cliffs close to the lighthouse of Húsavík, before we continued sailing towards Lundey, the puffin island.   It was really nice…


It's raining whales…..

It has been a very wet, but also very successful tour this morning in Skjálfandi Bay: It started raining as soon as we were about to leave Húsavík and did not stop before we came back to the harbour. Despite the rain, the conditions were perfect for whale watching as the sea was almost as…


Fantastic Ski to the Sea Tour

  A successful Ski to the Sea tour was operated a few weeks ago, 23rd – 27th of March. Schooner Hildur awaited the group at Akureyri harbour in the afternoon of the 23rd of March and set off for a an excellent skiing and sailing tour.   This tour offers the opportunity to explore the…


Three species in the bay

This morning when Christian and myself went together with captain Hrólfur out to Skjálfandibay, we had a good feeling for the day. The course was set to the western part of the bay. After about one hour of sailing we spotted something a bit further north and headed there without delay. It took not a…


Killer whales in Skjálfandi Bay!!!

We had fantastic weather conditions when we left the harbour this morning: The sea was almost as flat as a mirror and the sun was also shining during the tour…..but also whalewise, it was a tour to remember!   It started with a very nice minke whale not far away from Húsavík. It was very…


The first minke whale!!!

We were pretty excited to sail out and find the humpback whale again, which we had seen on both tours yesterday. When leaving the harbour at 10:00 this morning, we started with setting the course towards the area where we had been successful yesterday and it did not take long until we spotted a powerful…


A humpback close to Húsavík!

We had to cancel our tours yesterday (the wind was too strong to go whale watching), so we were excited to go out again this morning. Every day is different, so we did not really know what to expect, but when we left the harbour it took us only about 15 minutes until we spotted…


The first humpback whale!!!

It was a fantastic morning when I was on my way to the harbour today to guide my first whale watching tour this year. It is always nice to come back to Húsavík, but especially nice if you are greeted with sunshine and a fantastic view at the snow-covered mountains.   We left the harbour…


Schooner Opal leaves Reykjavík

  Last Friday, March 28th, schooner Opal headed home to Húsavík after a five months long stay in Reykjavík over the winter months. The schooner sailed several times around the Faxaflói area on very successful northern lights tours, tailored group tours and promotional events. The unique sailing boat got well deserved attention during its stay…
