Summer weekend in Húsavík

We have had amazing whale watching conditions here in Húsavík during the weekend: The sea as flat as a mirror, the sun shining (with temperatures around 20°C) and four species of whales spotted here in the bay… couldn’t have been any better! There are still lots of humpback whales feeding in many places in the…


Relaxed humpback whales!

Today we sailed out on our boat Náttfari at 8:50. It was raining a bit, but it was really warm and the conditions were good. This tour turned out really good, we spotted 6 humpback whales and all of them came up really close to the boat and gave us a great show. At one point we…


Acrobats of the sea

The fury of the northwestern winds was clearly over this morning, and we navigated on a quiet sea. The Skjálfandi Bay once again proved to be one the best spots in the world for observing humpback whales. Here, there, everywhere, a large number of humpback whales manifested their presence by spouting their characteristic heart-shaped blow.…


Whale and wave watching

This morning we sailed out into Skálfandi bay in very choppy seas. The conditions were quite rough, but we managed to finally find a humpback whale. We had almost passed it when we saw the spout, but when the wind is blowing this hard, the spout isn’t visible for a very long time because it…


The Blue whales are still here!

Today we went out at 12:00 on our boat Náttfari. The weather was great and the conditons were really good so we knew that we had a great tour ahead of us. We headed north and after about 40 minutes of sailing we spotted a really big spout! As we got closer we realized that…


Family Yeo, Welcome Again and Again

Today we had the pleasure of welcoming the Yeo family aboard — for the fourth time.     Mr. Yeo is originally from Scotland but when he met his wife, he moved to Iceland.    Together with their two sons they visited Husavik three times in the last two years and joined us on our tours, two motorized…


An amazing tour!

Today I went on the tour at 10 o’clock and it was simply amazing! We were so lucky! We had to sail for quite some time before we saw any whales, but when we did, we could not have asked for a better show! First we spotted some spouts, and when we got closer we…


A bumpy, but great day!

Today we were expecting a grey and rainy day, but instead we sailed into a beautiful, sunny day, altough the wind started blowing around noon and then it got a bit wavy. But the luck was also with us whale wise. We spotted many humpback whales, probably around four or five, and two of them…


The Blue whales are back in the Bay!

Over the last week we have seen several Blue whales in Skjalfandi Bay, and this is of course very exciting and special as Blue whales are a rare sight!   Blue whales are the largest animals on the planet. In fact, they are the largest animals ever lived, even larger then the dinosaurs. Blue whales…


There's NO bad weather!!!! ;-)

We are often asked whether the whales are seen even in bad weather – so today. But first note, that there is no ‘bad’ weather! 😉 We are well prepared, of course, and since everybody was protected from the rain with our overalls and the raincoats, we sailed out in a good mood this morning!…


A day of superlatives

Today was certainly one of the warmest days we’ve had this summer so far. The sea was flat like a mirror – meaning perfect whale watching conditions for us! In the morning we encountered several humpback whales. One of them seemed to be resting: It was very calm and stayed on the surface for a…


A Family at the Edge of the Arctic

A family of four that joined our Edge of the Arctic tour on the 25th of June has been kind enough to share their thoughts on the tour as well as their exellent photos and videos made on the tour. Thank you, Paquette Family! We are always striving to expose our children to unique places…


An incredible whale watching day!

Today was probably one of the best whale watching days we have had this season so far. We left the harbour in beautiful weather conditions (calm sea, sunny weather and about 15°C) and it didn’t take long until we found some nice white-beaked dolphins. We some them jumping in the distance and as we got…


Curious and feeding Humpbacks!

It was grey and rainy when we sailed out this morning, but it definitely didn´t have any effect on the whale whatching! We were the first boat to go out today so we couldn’t count on anyone else to find the whales. We started by heading west and it didn’t take long before we found…


In Skjálfandi Bay, Two Old Trawlers Resemble a New Era

  It wasn’t the most standard greeting in Húsavík; schooner Opal blowing its horn towards Húni II, a visitor in Skjálfandi Bay. Originally built as trawlers, these two boats now serve another purpose, touring and maintaining old sailing traditions.     Of all the 100 oak boats built in Iceland between 1940 and 1970, Húni…


An amazing and active day out on the bay

Today was an amazing and active day out on the bay! We started with jumping White-beaked dolphins. They were doing full body breaches and backward breaches so we could see the nice drawings of their black and white bodies. These playful dolphins were traveling in a group of about 20 individuals, including some mothers with…


Humpback party!

The sky was grey and some raindrops were falling when we sailed out from Húsavík harbor this morning with a full boat of passengers covered in oranges raincoats. Fortunately the sea was calm so the conditions were quiet good.  We headed west towards the mountains and the bay was full of birdlife. Just after about…


Our largest resident is back !!!

During the morning tour, chilly northwestern winds were bringing all the cold from Greenland. Our boat Nàttfari was navigating on a rather choppy sea. Fortunately it didn’t take long before we spotted our first humpback whale, always lifting its gracious fluke very high into the air, and disapprearing almost vertically into the depths. A few…


Playful humpback whales!

The weather was a bit rough today, but the whales didn’t seem to mind it, they were in a great mood!  On our first tour we spotted 6 humpback whales. At one point we were observing one humpback whale when all of the sudden we realized that there was something going on behind the boat. We…
