Season start: Only 3 weeks away!

The sun is shinging in Húsavík and spring is already in the air. Therefore, it´s a great pleasure for us to tell you that our schedule will start in only 3 weeks. 20th of April is the day and throughout April we´ll depart daily at 13:30 from Húsavík harbour. For further information about our tours,…


Haukur on the cover of Classic Boat Magazine

Last January North Sailing representatives went to London to partake in the London Boat Show as well as Adventure Travel Show. It was a great pleasure and honor for the North Sailing team to visit the boat show since our schooner Haukur was featured in the February issue of Classic Boat, one of the most…


Bjössi Sör at the Boatyard

The annual boat mentainance has started with North Sailing and Bjössi Sör was the first of 5 North Sailing’s boats to visit the boatyard. During the next weeks and months the rest of the fleet will be overhauled and refitted in the boatyard.

North Sailing celebrates Þorri

On Friday 26th January the North Sailing team gathered in Gamli Baukur restaurant and celebrated Thorrablot (Icel. Þorrablót), an old Icelandic food feast tradition. It´s always a great pleasure when we get the chance to meet each other during the winter time and mingle and get in the right spirit for next season. Following is…


North Sailing at Adventure Travel Show in London

The Trade council of Iceland organized the participation of 6 Icelandic companies at the Travel Adventure Show in Olympia, London on January 12th – 14th. The show was held for the 12th time and is one of the biggest in Adventure Travel in the world with approx. 30 thousands annual visitors. Around 250 companies from…


The 2006 annals of North Sailing

Last year was an eventful one for North Sailing and one of the best from the beginning with regards to whale sightings. The weather was favorable making it easier for the crew to spot whales. The big whales, such as the humpback and the mighty blue whale, were frequent visitors in Skjálfandi bay. Total sightings…


Happy new year!

At the same time the North Sailing team wishes everyone a happy new year we want to thank you all for last year´s cooperation, especially those who came and visited us in Húsavík last summer. Last year was a very successful one for North Sailing and ahead is an exciting year, full of opportunities. We…


A new flagship in North-Sailing´s fleet.

On schooner Haukur´s voyage around Iceland this fall a brief stop was made in Ólafsvík on the Snæfellsnes peninsular. Haukur moored along the side of a spectacular oak boat, Sveinbjörn Jakobsson. The crews got to know each other quite well and it turned out that North-Sailing then later purchased the ship. Due to bad weather…


Iceland resumes commercial whaling

In light of Iceland’s minister of fisheries decision to resume commercial whaling, North-Sailing would like to put forward its own point of view: • North-Sailing has since 1995 carried around 220.000 passengers, thereof 90% international tourists, on its whale watching trips in Skjálfandi bay. • North-Sailing does not agree with Icelandic authorities that it is…


Haukur has circumnavigated Iceland

Last Monday morning, schooner Haukur sailed gracefully under full sails into Husavik harbour after having circumnavigated Iceland for the first time. The trip took altogether 24 days but that includes shorter and longer stops such as a week in Siglufjörður and 8 days in Reykjavík. The schooner stopped in 6 harbours around the island and…


Schooner Haukur: Soon in Húsavík again

Today, schooner Haukur was sailing just outside Breiðdalsvík in the East Fjords on her way to Húsavík. We expect Haukur to dock in Húsavík around noon tomorrow (mon Oct. 2nd) and thereby closing the voyage around Iceland. Haukur left Húsavík harbour on september 8th and has stopped in several ports around Iceland including Siglufjörður, Íslafjörður,…


Iceland´s only schooner in Reykjavík harbour

After an adventurous sailing from Húsavík to Reykjavík, the schooner Haukur has arrived in Reykajvík harbour. Today, September 22nd and tomorrow, September 23rd, the schooner will be open for the public between 10am and 5pm. Guests are welcomed onboard to check out Iceland´s only gaff rigged schooner. Haukur is docked by Ægisgarður (close to the…


North Sailing at Vestnorden for the 12th time

As the summer is now about to end, preperation for season 2007, North Sailing´s 13th season has long since started. A big part of this preperation has been attending the Vestnorden Travelmart which was now held in Reykjavík. North Sailing has been participating since 1995 and has been sending representatives to Greenland, Farao Islands, Denmark,…


Pilot whales & Northern bottlenosed whales

Today we got the great news from captain Hrólfur that a Northern bottlenosed whales, had been seen together with 6 pilot whales and 3 minke whales. The minkes are an everyday sight so to speak but both the pilot whales and the bottlenosed whales are very rare. When summed up the sightings this summer make…


Preparing Haukur for a voyage

This Friday, Sept. 8th, Haukur will depart to Reykjavík where she will be on display in connection with the Travel Exhibition Vestnorden. Right now, we are working on preparing the boat, make some adjustments and check out the rigging. From Reykjavík the course will be taken to the Faroe Islands. We will post some more…


300 jumps in two hours

The wildlife in the bay has been amazing all summer and now there are almost 4 months since the humpbacks came in to the bay making this 12th whale watching summer by North Sailing the best humpback season ever. Sometimes the humpback whales breach or jump out of the water but never before have we…


The Humpbacks still at it

The adventure in “Whale paradise” continues and for the last days humpback whales as well as minke whales have been in the spotlight. It seems like the most giving feeding grounds are inside the bay very close to land for the last days and the humpbacks and minkies have been feeding on incredibly shallow waters.…


Schooner Sailing and BBQ

Last week North Sailing invited it´s staff and the staff from The Whale Museum to a BBQ. After sailing on the schooner Haukur across the Skjálfandi Bay, anchors were dropped outside of Naustavík, under the beautiful Mountains of Kinn. The pictures below are taken on the trip by one of North-Sailing’s captains, Einar Ófeigur Magnússon.…


Who´s watching whom?

When the whales start playing around it´s often difficult to see who´s watching whom. This was the case when Himmi, North Sailing guide, had his camera and shot these amazing pictures! After few cloudy days, the sun has come out again and shines on all our guests out on Skjálfandi bay were the wildlife is…


Húsavík Festival – Swedish days & Sweet days

It has been very busy for North Sailing people lately as the company is very involved in organizing the Húsavík festival this year so therefore the website has not been updated as it should have. The whales are not forgotten however and humpbacks, minke whales and dolphins have been pleasing up to 550 passengers pr…
