The first humpback whale of the season

Crew and passangers on Náttfari this morning had a lovely surprise when a humpback whale was spotted. This is the first tour of the season where a humpback whale is seen. The humpback whale seemed to be feeding but was quite relaxed and everybody got a really good look.   Three minke whales were also spotted…


Two trips a day in May

Tomorrow, May 1st, our schedule will change when we start to go whale watching twice a day, at 10:00 and 13:30. The trips in april have usually been successful, in total 4 species have been spotted: minke whales, killer whales, white-beaked dolphins and harbour porpoises. For information and booking see here or contact us by e-mail…


A minke whale and puffins

Today we finally saw a minke whale which we haven't seen for some days now. It had been a bit windy today but it had calmed down when we went out. After searching for an hour or so the minke whale popped up right next to the boat and we managed to see it a…


More porpoises

The weather remains beautiful but again the only whales we saw were harbour porpoises. The bird life in the bay in the last days has been good though, we have seen a lot of puffins and the gannets. Hopefully we'll start to see some bigger whales soon.   Þórdís, guide.


Harbour porpoises

Since the day when we saw the orcas the weather has been bad so we haven't been out for four days. It was beautiful weather today though, warm and calm but unfortunately there were not many whales in the bay. We only saw a group of harbour porpoises, quite a large one though, probably around 15…


Orcas in the bay!

On today's whale watching trip the crew and passengers on Náttfari found a group of Orcas. It was a group of 6-8 animals, scattered around a small area and the animals were obviously feeding. They were pretty calm and everyone had a really nice look. White-beaked dolphins were also spotted on the tour.   Orcas, also named Killer…


A group of orcas today!

After a 4 days break from whale watching because of bad weather we had a brilliant tour today! The weather was perfect, calm and quite warm. We had only been out for about half an hour when we saw a group of white beaked dolphins that were playing around the boat. While we were looking…


A slow day in the bay

The weather today was nice, like it has been in the last days, but we only found a group of harbour porpoises on this tour. The minke whale from yesterday was nowhere to be seen.   On the first tour I mentioned we had seen a few puffins but today it seemed like all the puffins have arrived into…


First trip of the season yesterday

Yesterday, Náttfari with 24 passengers sailed out on the first trip of the season. As can be expected in April it was a cold tour but the bay was beautiful and a small group of dolphins were spotted. Everyone got a good look and were really glad to see dolphins in their natural habitat. Quite a lot of birds were…


Season start – coming up!

This year, we have decided to pre-start the season in Skjálfandi bay on Sunday April 12th and Monday  13th at 13:30 (weather permitting).  So far, summer hasn´t arrived after quite heavy snow storm at the end of March, but we are waiting anxiously for it to show up and bring our bay to life.   If…


Scientific project continues

A few weeks ago we reported about the scientific project that Dr. Marianne Rasmussen and Edda Elísabet Magnúsdóttir Phd. student are working on in Skjálfandi bay. Two EAR's (Ecolocical Acoustic Recorder) have been in the bay the last months but Marianne and Edda retrieved both the EAR's last month and are now working on the…


3 day sailing on Iceland´s only schooner

At the end of May, North Sailing will offer the first out of six scheduled 3 day sailings this summer. We are talking about a three day exciting adventure sailing on Haukur, Iceland's only schooner, which offers you a close encounter with nature, interesting historic sites, magnificent midnight sun, sail training, whale & bird watching &…


Bluenose in Húsavík

A model of the famous Canadian schooner Bluenose will shortly be a part of the North Sailing fleet. The The original Bluenose model is made by Árni Sör, brother of North Sailing's chieftain Bjössi Sör, better known as grandpa.   The original Bluenose was designed by William Roué and launched in 1921 as a racing…


Just over a month until the season starts

Even though no signs of the summer can be seen in Húsavik these days there’s just over a month until the first whale watching trip of the year is scheduled. North Sailing plans to kick off the season exceptionally early this year or on the 15th of april. Of course this will be subject to weather conditions…


Improvements in schooner Haukur

Lately schooner Haukur has been in the Akureyri shipyard for improvements of facilities. The main purpose is to increase bunkbeds so after the improvements Haukur will have the possibility to sleep 11 people. The cabin in front when the old bunkbeds had been torn down 7 new bunkbeds have been built, five in the cabin in front and two in the crew cabin. The passenger cabin…


Scientific researches in Skjálfandi Bay

At the Husavik Research center Dr. Marianne Rasmussen and Ph.D student Edda Elísabet Magnúsdóttir have been working on a new reasearch on whales in Skjálfandi Bay. This reasearch is unique because they use technology that has never before been used in cold waters. This technology is called EAR (Ecological Acoustic Recorder) and has been developed…


Statement regarding whaling decision around Iceland

In reaction to Iceland´s Minister for Fisheries decision concerning commercial whaling, North Sailing and the Húsavík Whale Museum would like to state the following: "North Sailing and the Húsavík Whale Museum regret and  criticize the decision of Iceland’s Minister for Fisheries and Agriculture to permit large scale whaling during the next five years a total…


Happy new year!

North Sailing wishes everyone, far and near, a happy and successful new year!  The following pictures were taken by Heimir Hardarson on the calm and beautiful new years eve in Húsavík.      
