Minkes and dolphins

We left the harbour at 10:00 this morning in hope to find the humpback whale again. We did not find the humpback whale again on this tour, but found several minke whales and also some nice white-beaked dolphins. The weather conditions were also pretty nice so all in all it was a nice tour.  …


Successful afternoon trip

We didn’t go out this morning at 10:00 because of bad weather. But regarding to the weather forecast there was less wind in the afternoon, so we decided to give it a try and sailed out at 13:30. So I left the harbour together with captain Hrólfur and 30 passengers on „Bjössi Sör“.   There…


The whale festival continues!

From the logbook:   “When leaving the harbour this morning, we were of course hoping that the majestic blue whales would still be around. So we set the course directly towards the area where we had seen them yesterday afternoon. The first whale we encountered was a humpback whale. We spent a nice time with…


Blue whales in September!

 When I left the harbour this morning at 10:00 onboard “Bjössi Sör” together with captain Már, we had no idea of how amazing this day would be for whale watching: At the end (if you count both trips together) we have seen 5 (!!!) different whale species today.   On the morning tour, it started…


A sunny day in Skjálfandi bay

Yesterday the northerly wind blew up in the morning so we had to cancel the trips for saturday. But today, sunday, the weather was just wonderful!   We headed out on our boat Bjössi Sör, and as always after a stormy day it was exiting to see what the wild nature would bring to us this fine morning.…


Humpback and minke whales

During the last couple of days we have always seen one or two humpback whales on all our tours, so I was also pretty optimistic today when we left the harbour at 10:00 on „Bjössi Sör“. We set the course towards the area where the humpbacks had been around during the weekend, but the first…


A beautiful late-summer feast

This past weekend out on Skjálfandi bay was absolutely amazing! In our 10:00 clock tour on Saturday, me, captain Hrólfur and deckhand Kormákur went out with fully loaded Bjössi Sör and were amazed by the lively Skjálfandi! After taking a look at two humpbacks  and not less than five minke whales we headed back to…


Wedding onboard Hildur

Yesterday Michele Denaro and Paolo Longhi got married onboard schooner Hildur. The couple was in the second group of the Greenland tour and wanted to get married in Iceland. They were very happy to have the wedding down in Hildur since they had just enjoyed a week onboard they both said has left a big…


A dream come true

In 1999 Nils Bjartur Hailer moved from Stuttgart, Germany, to Iceland. Nils joined the crew of North Sailing in 2004 and his interest for wooden sailingboats grew when he came in encounter with schooner Haukur.   When Nils was a young boy he heard and read a lot about the adventures of the german explorer…


Sailors in an Icelandic rainforest

Last wednesday, Dagmar Aaen arrived from Arved Fuchs expedition to Greenland (www.arved-fuchs.de). The North Sailing family was happy to have them back in Húsavík and on saturday the crew of Dagmar Aaen were invited to Fellsskógur, a forest in a valley south of Skjálfandi bay. The glacier river, Skjálfandafljót, runs in this valley on its…


Dull or Magnificent

Last days have been strange. Some days have been quiet, not many whales, and if we find some they are hard to follow. Other days have been more than great, tons of dolphins, minkes, humpbacks and even rumours of bottlenose whales. But yesterday was the strangest.   Me and captain Hreiðar went out for the…


Greenland tour a great success

It is a pleasure to write that the first Greenland tour was a great success! According to both passengers and the crew the experience of the beautiful fjordsystem of Scoresby Sund in northeast Greenland was more than one could dream of. One of the passengers, Ute Zimmer, phrased her experience very nicely:   “Thank you…


No Sign of the August Trouble

This is now my fourth season as a whale watching guide at North Sailing‘s. Of course all of the summers have been great, plenty of whales and the success rate probably among the highest one can find worldwide. The seasons have been somewhat different from each others, for example, last year was truly the year…


Volkswagen Oldtimers

On June 18th, 2011 the North Sailing peer looked like a German car factory from the mid last century. Yes, it sounds weird but no less than 27 old Volkswagens gathered there with 54 people in their seats. All 54 then went whale watching and left their cars for other tourists and the locals to…


Sydkap and Bear islands

August 21st: News from Schooner Hildur at N71°16’  W25°12′ “We arrived at Sydkap this morning and have been slightly delayed due to ice on the fjord. We have already caught some fish which will end up on tonight´s BBQ at Jytteshavn, Bear islands. We´ve already spotted a Muskox, Seals and a few Snow hares. The…


The last 'Whales, puffins and sails' tour

The last tours going out with our schooner Haukur, to observe the amazing puffins in the Puffin island and going whale watching, had great luck and great fun today! Always on the last tour of the season the experienced guide and boatsman of Haukur, Nils Bjartur, has a tradition of making the tour a little…


Hildur arrived to Greenland

Schooner Hildur arrived in Scoresby Sund last night. The sailing was smooth until they reached Cape Brewster and ice was blocking their way. They sailed further north and managed to work their way through the ice and enter the fjord close to cape Tobin.         When navigating through the ice, the crew…


A beautiful day in the bay

This morning was a little foggy, but during the day it lightened up and the sun started shining. I went on two tours today and both tours were very successful. We spotted white beaked dolpins, a minke whale and some incredably calm humpback whales that swam around us and were kind of curious about our…
