The Blue whales are still here!

There are not many places in the world where you can see the blue whale, the biggest animal on earth….here in Húsavík we are actually really lucky to have these impressive animals as regular guests during the early summer months here in our bay. We have seen blue whales every day during the last five…


Four species in the bay today

Today as we headed out to the bay for the five o´clock trip we were looking forward for it because we had been successful earlier seeing Minke whales, Humpback whales and white beaked dolphins. On the way over the bay we saw powerful spouts in the distains. As we came closer we noticed that we…


A Blue Whale in Skjálfandi Bay!

We thought it would be hard to top yesterday, but what we have seen today was simply amazing! It started with three nice humpback whales this morning and while we were waiting for the humpbacks to surface again, we suddenly spotted a huge blow further north, not too far away from us – a blue…


Bay full of whales and birds

This morning as we headed out to Skjálfandaflói the sea was calm and the sun was shining. We set course towards the mountains at the western part of the bay. As we arrived there and started looking for the whales we just had to look for the birds because there were hundreds of arctic turns…


A feeding frenzy and a Humpback Whale

On all our trips today the main action was in the area close to the so called “Fiskisker” (“Fish Rock”) close to the mountains on the western side of the bay. We encountered several minke whales (sometimes up to four of them in the same area) feeding among hunreds of seabirds, mainly arctic terns, kittiwakes…


The bay full of life

Today, as we got out to Skjálfandaflói we set the course towards the area where we had seen plenty of whales yesterday. On the way towards the western part we enjoyed the weather and the sailing. As we came closer to the mountains we opened our eyes even more than before to find the whales from…


Minke whale festival

This morning as we headed out for whale watching we were not expecting good weather. But as we got to the bay we were surprised how good the weather was. As we reached the middle of the bay we saw a minke whale. We got a great view at this animal. Hawing watched this animal…


Happy ending of a trip in the rain

This afternoon as we headed into the rain on Skjálfandaflói we set the course to the western part of the bay. There we had spotted a Minke whale earlier this morning. As we arrived there we did not spot any whales. As we gave up on that area we went further north hoping there we…


Whale watching companies in Húsavík join hands

Tourism companies in Húsavík have decided to join hands to market the town as The Whale Capital of Iceland. A new brand has been made and in the next few weeks the campaign will be followed through with more promotion. The three whale watching companies in Húsavík have competed with each other for many years…


The first breaching humpback whale!!!

When we left the harbour at 17:00 on board “Bjössi Sör” today, we had already spotted white-beaked dolphins, minke whales and harbour porpoises on our previous tours during the day.   We set the course towards the western part of the bay, where the minke whales have been seen earlier in the afternoon. But after…


Two amazing Ski to the Sea tours

  Two very successful Ski to the Sea tours were operated last week, on both schooner Haukur and schooner Hildur.   On this unique adventure, the strengths of two leading Icelandic adventure tourism companies, North Sailing and Bergmenn Mountain Guides are combined, resulting in an adventure like no other.   Schooner Haukur departed on Wednesday…


North Sailing and its founders recognized by the Icelandic Regional Institute

North Sailing and its founders, Hörður and Árni Sigurbjarnarson, received recognition from the Icelandic Regional Development Institute for the development of whale watching in Húsavík at the institute‘s annual meeting that took place at Miðgarður in Skagafjörður. Árni Sigurbjarnarson attended the meeting and accepted the recognition, which is called Landstólpinn. Landstólpinn is a social recognition…


Feeding frenzy in Skjálfandi Bay!!!

Today we had some amazing whale watching tours here in Skjálfandi Bay: The area close to the mountains was filled with life! Already from a distance we could see hundreds of seabirds (mainly Arctic Terns, Kittiwakes and Fulmars) feeding close to the surface and as we got closer, we spotted minke whales, minke whales and…


Minke day with hunting Gannets

It has been a busy day for us today, but we did not only sail out with many passengers today, we have also been successful with showing them whales on all our tours today.   The main species today was the minke whale: We found at least three minke whales on our morning tour at…


Whales in the rain

After yesterday’s very successful afternoon, we set the course immediately in a north-westerly direction, towards the area where all the whales have been yesterday afternoon. As we arrived in the area, there was absolutely no sign of any whale or dolphin activity, so we decided to sail further west, towards the snow-covered mountains. Pretty close…
