Weather Report

The last few days Icelanders have been facing a ferce snowstorm, especially in the northern part of the country where Húsavík is located. Due to heavy snowfall and strong winds people have had trouble getting around and even out of their houses. In some harbours boats sunk and other damages have been reported. Fortunately all…


s/y Haukur member of the American Schooner Association

Last October in look for adventure and sailing experience, one of North Sailing’s crewmembers and insider, Þórunn Harðardóttir took a trip to the east coast of the USA. Her main goal was to get aboard one of the vessels participating in the so called Chesapeake Schooner Race. It proved an easy task for Þórunn to…


Digger Dredge and Barge

There is a powerful trio attached to North Sailing’s jetty these days as mud and sand that has accumulated around the pier is now being removed. The reduced depth by the pier had already caused some trouble for the larger boats, especially at low tide, last summer. The floating jetty that North Sailing now has…


North Sailing flies west…

Recently North Sailing and the Marketing council of Húsavík undertook a trip to the east coast of the USA. The objective was to visit the Icelandair headquarters in Baltimore and promote North-Sailing’s operation and Húsavík in general. The same duo as went to Vestnorden earlier this fall, Mr. Haraldur Líndal Pétursson of MarkHús and Heimir…


Icelandair Roadshow

12 Icelandic companies from the Icelandic Travel Trade participated in a Roadshow around the Baltics, Finland and Russia from the 28 September – 05 October 2003. Amongst these companies were representatives from hotels, tour operators and group operators. North Sailing was invited to participate in this tour, which we gladly accepted. The cost involving such…


North Sailing at the Vestnorden Travel Mart

For nine consecutive years North Sailing has attended the Vestnorden Travel Mart. This year it was held in Torshavn in the Faroe Islands and North Sailing shared a booth with the Marketing Council of Húsavík. Representing North Sailing and it’s products was Heimir Harðarson, Marketing manager and Haraldur Líndal Pétursson, general manager of MarkHús was…
