Hungry humpbacks

It was still very cold today in Skjálfandi Bay, but the good thing is: The whales are still there! :-)During the morning tour we met a humpback whale that was very busy feeding at the surface, sometimes coming up with the mouth full of food – a very spectacular sight! In the afternoon we spotted…


Three species in the bay

It started pretty well this morning when we got word about a minke whale in the eastern part of the bay and as we arrived in the area, it did not take long for captain Már and me to spot the minke whale surfacing. But even though we have been waiting for a very long…


Two minkes and a humpback

It was very cold in Húsavík and out in Skjálfandi Bay today and during both tours, it was even snowing a bit. During the morning tour we found a very nice humpback whale in the western part of the bay, a very nice surprise as we had not seen the humpbacks in the bay for…


A Walrus in Skjálfandi Bay!!!

Today’s 13:30 tour was a very special tour for both passengers and crew onboard “Bjössi Sör”: We had just left Húsavík harbour as we suddenly saw something surfacing just a few hundred metres from our boat. We were not sure what it was: A small whale? A seal? But as we got closer and closer…


A Walrus in Skjálfandi Bay

  Passengers and crew of our whale watching boat the “Bjössi Sör” were amazed when they encountered a full size Walrus on today’s 13:30 whale watching tour.   The Walrus was spotted in the sea close to Husavik harbor and seemed at ease with the boat and spectators.   Walruses are rare guests at the shores…


Acrobatic humpback whales

Very similar to the last couple of days, we have also spotted many humpback whales today in Skjálfandi Bay. In total there must have been anything between eight and ten humpback whales in the area and there were humpback whale blows almost anywhere in the bay. On some occasions, we also had up to three…


Humpback whale autumn party

The humpback whales are still here in big numbers and today we have seen at least eight different individuals in the bay. With the beautiful snow-covered mountains in the background it was really nice to see so many humpback whales blowing and fluking almost all around us. On some occasions we even had two, three…


The day after the storm

There was a big storm here in the north of Iceland (and also many other parts of the country) and we could not go out at sea during the last four days. But it is always exciting to go out again after such a bad weather period as you never know what to expect. We…


The harmony of nature, environment and life on board

  Tryggvi Scheving Thorsteinsson participated in schooner Opal’s first expedition in Scoresbysund from 24th to 31st of July. The explorers visited the village Ittoqqortoormiit and Tryggvi found that to be an interesting experience. “You can sense the isolation when you walk around the village. When you go there you get a feeling, which is hard…


Humpback whales – everywhere!!!

Due to bad weather conditions we had to cancel our tours yesterday. Fortunately the wind calmed down today, although the swell was still quite high and there was even fresh snow on top of the mountains in the western part of the bay. The day after the storm is always exciting, because we don’t know…
