Fun in the fog

Náttfari is only doing two tours a day now (but Bjössi three). Today we were able to go out after two days of storm and relevant cancellations. On both tours we had some lovely sightings. On the morning tour we had some 4-6 Minke Whales and all of them were relaxed and could be viewed,…


Difficult day, magical night

The three trips today on Náttfari have been incredible, although in very different ways. On every single one the weather was magical and sunny though. It was just that despite many boats searching the entire bay in the morning, no whale could be found. A small group of White-beaked Dolphins was seen in the morning…


The trio strikes again!

Three tours on Náttfari today and all were different ones. In the morning we had the Humpback trio that have been so often seen together, plus a single one staying around but still a bit away from the others, it is the young Humpback with the white on the dorsal fin, perhaps it is not…


Orcas, Orcas, Orcas, Orcas! Yay!

Orcas! I have been guiding here for three months and been waiting to write this blog the whole time! Finally the animals that I adore more than most others (yes, of course our regular Humpbacks are darlings too) appeared in our bay! Not a common sight by any means here but when they do appear,…


Humpback whale galore

Today has just been a wonderful day at sea here in Skjálfandi Bay!   On all our tours we got some amazing looks at the humpback whales and in total we have counted at least six different humpback whales here in the bay today! Three humpback whales were staying together and surfacing side by side…


Breaching humpback whale!!!!!

Today we got reminded of the changing weather conditions here in Iceland. The day started with warm temperatures and a calm sea. We set the course into the area where we spotted the whales yesterday in the evening. And we were lucky: One of the humpback whales was still there! He was very relaxed and…


Perfect conditions!

After the mainly cold and rough summer September had a promising start: It was unusual warm, sunny and the sea flat as a mirror. Conditions can’t get better than that! Already the sailing itself was a pleasure and we enjoyed the trip out in the bay. But also the animals were incredible. We spotted several harbor…


Whales in pouring rain

We went on two tours on Garðar today but the third one was cancelled due to worsening sea conditions. Both were excellent, even if challenging due to somewhat rough sea and bad visibility. There were at least 4-6 Humpback Whales in the bay and once the fog allowed us some view, we could see blows…


A wonderful whale day

Three tours today and of those, the morning and the evening tour were the best by far. In the morning we had at least four Humpback Whales, including one duo which we got to see amazingly well, a great thing given the foggy surroundings. In the afternoon there were at least two Humpbacks but in…


The big 4 of Skjálfandi Bay

Today we managed to show our passengers all four species of marine mammals that we could expect to see at this time of the year:   The day started with two very nice humpback whales that were swimming side by side and lifted their majestic flukes right next to our boat a couple of times.…


3 species of baleen whales in the bay!

The sea was still a bit wavy today, but despite the bumpy conditions we had very nice and successful whale watching tours during the day.   I went on three tours onboard our biggest vessel “Garðar” today and on the first tour (at 10:00) we managed to spot three different species of baleen whales (those…


A fantastic day is behind us

Today’s three tours on Garðar were amazing. Humpback Whales seen on all of them, from one up to three on each, and Minke Whales in abundance, some seen very well but some only in the passing, as well as White-beaked Dolphins in the morning. It was so warm and cosy on the water today that…


A magical evening trip…..

We had already seen several humpback and minke whales (as well as some dolphins) during our tours earlier today, so when we left the harbour at 18:00 onboard “Garðar”, we were pretty optimistic that also this evening tour would be a good one – and we were right!   The weather conditions were simply fantastic…


Blue whale in the bay

This evening as we went in to the bay I did not expect a trip like this one. I started the trip like a normal trip. After the talk in the beginning I went in to the wheel house to get some extra cloths, even though the weather was grate. As I came in, engineer…
