Minke whales and dolphins playing

The calm wind from last night didn’t last long, it was blowing from north west this morning but it wasn’t too strong though, all right to go whale watching. Too my surprise nobody got seasick so everybody enjoyed themselves. The life in the bay was similar as yesterday, not difficult to find a minke whale…


More minke whales

It was getting a bit windy when me and capt Hrólfur went out at 17:00 but it calmed down again in the evening. The day has been pretty much like the last days. There are a lot of minke whales in the bay and some of them are really easy going around the boats. On…


Still making progress on Garðar!

Garðar is at the pier and work has been ongoing to get him passenger ready.  There is still plenty of work to be done, for example painting in various places, placing benches as well as security equipment and many other smaller (or bigger!) tasks.  Quite a lot of work took place yesterday, and here you…


Breaching minkes and dolphins

The weather today was a bit rough in the 17 o’clock tour, but got better in the evening.  To start off the former tour, me and the captain saw a Minke whale breaching in the rough seas, but not many of the passengers caught it.  We waited around but didn’t see it again, so we…


Minke whales and white beaked dolphins

The day has been pretty much like yesterday apart from the fact that the humpback whales haven’t shown up again. But there are plenty of minke whales around still and groups of white beaked dolphins traveling around as well. The weather has been quite neutral, the sun didn’t shine today but the wind was calm…


Enchanting night in Café Skuld

Last week we had “magic chocolate” night in Café Skuld where the hot chocolate was enriched with a little extra. The atmosphere on the terrace by Skuld was cozy in the midnight sun, just perfect for sitting down with a blanket, sniff in the clear sea air and warm up with a cup of “magic…


Four species today

Finally some humpback whales found their way into the bay, the schooner Haukur found two humpback whales this morning and they were seen on three tours today. But unfortunately they didn’t stop for long, when I went out at 17:00 they were already too far out for us to reach them. It didn’t matter much…


Great weather with minkes and dolphins

Today was another great day for whale watching. Still waters, no wind, warmth and cloudcover gave the perfect conditions for spotting whales. First whale of the day was a minke whale which was very friendly. It came very close to the boat, diving under it and always resurfaced close to it again. Then we went…


Close knit minke whales and puffins

Calm waters and a little cloud cover made today an excellent day for whale watching. The 13:30 tour spotted a minke right in the vicinity of the harbour which was a little difficult to keep track of, moving in every direction and changing course in an instance. But with a bit of patience we could…


Schooner Hildur puts the sails on

  There have been some delays on delivering the sails for Schooner Hildur and we also have had some troubles with the propeller but now this has been taken care of and we can expect Hildur to sail from Denmark to Iceland soon.   Our people in Denmark, Hörður and Rémy have been in Engersund…


Dolphin show on a windy day

Today started out with rough weather which prevented us from going out on our first 3 tours. But calming down as the day drew on, we were able to try our luck in the afternoon. We found some minke whales which were a little difficult to follow but we managed to see quite well. Then…


Garðar launched

There was a turning point in the shipyard today when Garðar finally got it’s mast and was then taken out and sailed for the first time after renovation. It didn’t go far though, not this time, just one round about the harbour. Then it was tied to the pier as it is not completely ready,…


Working in Garðar in the shipyard

There has been a great progress in the shipyard these last weeks. It won’t be long now until Garðar will be ready to sail out with excited passengers on board and it looks like it will be a really beautiful boat. The following pictures were taken in the last days.   Painting in the nice…
