Three species

Today was just another nice day for whale watching here in Skjálfandi Bay and it showed us once more that you never know what to expect when you go out at sea looking for whales.   During the morning tour we encountered a very nice humpback whale which was feeding close to the surface not…


One lonely but entertaining friend

The weather has really turned to auomnly over the last days, the stong southern wuinds blowing throughout the day. We therefore got a very pleasant Arctic feeling, since it wasn’t that cold at sea. The swell didn’t help us finding the whales though. We were still lucky enough to enjoy the presence of one gentle…


Autumn joys

Our dear Husavik has now taken its Fall coat, but our two tours of the days were filled up with absouloute delights. The morning tour and afternoon tours were beautiful, with 4 to 5 humpback whales each, jumping, tail-slapping, lounge-feeding and even…. pooing on the second tour. If the weather finally reflects our time of…


Humpbacks everywhere!

We left the harbour onboard “Náttfari” this morning and headed out in beautiful autumn weather conditions into Skjálfandi Bay.   After only 15-20 minutes of sailing, we already spotted the first blow from a humpback whale and as we took some closer looks at this individual, we already saw several more blows not too far…


Endless summer

The summer seems to never end here in Husavik. The weather is just as good as it was a couple of months back and the whales have very fortunatly kept on swimming through the bay. Today, once again, Humpback Whales entertained us. Even though they were travelling a lot, we still had the chance of…


Summer in our heart…AND outside as well

For such an advanced date in the whale watching season, our guest were enjoying the best possible whale watching conditions: Sun, flat sea and whales in high numbers! Even though they were travelling a lot between each dives, we could enjoy a fantastic view on the humpback whales, who were sometimes feeding right on the…


Rare visitors in the Bay!

As every day, the waters of Skjálfandi Bay can hold many surprises. Today, we did not know what to expect as Hildur set sail into the Bay. Our first trip, though a bit bumpy, showed us one friendly Humpback whale, which was happy to show off its black and white patterned fluke, much to the delight…


A lovely trio of humpback whales

Today I went on three tours on our whale watching boat “Bjössi Sör” with a fantastic crew and really motivated whale watchers. Due to some stronger winds further out at sea we had pretty high waves here in the bay, but the humpback whales were absolutely great on all three tours.   We got to…


All sails up!

As Haukur was down for maintenance, Hildur was our choice schooner for whale-watching today. A favorite to sail on, and the winner of our Schooner Regatta last month, Hildur’s white sails and summer oak hull are a treat to look at. Its hard to believe that this beautiful boat used to be a fishing boat,…


Sperm whales!

Though the weather was cloudy, our enthusiastic group of whale-watchers and crew departed Húsavík harbour aboard our schooner Haukur. As we sailed through the bay, we first encountered a  Humpback whale that was happy to stay close to the boat, and being very showy with its fluke as it dived down deeper into the water.…


Autumn colors

All through the summer, we have seen the Bay transform into a number of colors: Víknarfjöll started the season completely white with snow in May, changing to black as the snow melted, slowly becoming greener in June and July as the Icelandic spring set in. Now streaks of red and orange cover these beautiful mountains,…


Whales and sails

Today, Haukur headed out into Skjálfandi Bay with the hope of finding some of the whales that frequent its nutrient rich waters. Our captain Tryggvi, soon spotted an unmistakable blow, and we were with our first whale! A friendly Humpback whale that was content to stay near the boat, delighting our passengers with its presence. We could…


A Big Surprise: Blue Whale!

After a few days of stormy weather, we headed out into Skálfandi Bay, unsure what to expect. Waters were surprisingly calm, and it seemed hard to believe that just some hours ago massive waves would have rocked even the sturdiest of our boats. What would be hiding in the waters of the Bay after these…


Humpback synchronicity

The southern winds chase away the usual cold. While it was not quite as warm as being in Spain, we were able to be comfortable without wool mittens. We set sail straight away. Since the southern winds come over land, the waves don’t pile up like they do from the north and the seas stay…


Sails up!

Wind in Skjálfandi Bay is never predictable, and the Bay can completely transform in no time at all! Our passengers definitely saw this today, as we headed out into sunshine, calm seas and hardly a breeze. These conditions were perfect for whale watching, and the whales were happily coming to the surface, giving us an…


Rough weather, but lots to see

Due to large swell and heavy winds, some of the tours were cancelled today. There is something special about wind blowing in your face, and the tops of waves turning white. It is humbling and aweinspiring to witness what the elements are capable of.   For the marine life however, it was business as usual.…


Chilly days

Today, our lovely schooner Haukur headed out into a chilly Skjálfandi Bay. Yet, the cold is no match for our warm and cozy red overalls! With our passengers and crew all bundled up, we were ready for some whale watching. And the whales did not disappoint! Four Humpback whales paid us a visit, sometimes coming very…


Sun, sails, dolphins and whales

The day was promising as Haukur headed out of Húsavík Harbour: the sun was shining, the sea was flat and a slight breeze made our sailors quite happy. On our morning tour, we were lucky enough to see several Humpback whales, one of which was quite content to rest on the surface near the boat for…
