Hussle & bussle on Skjálfandi Bay

During the last few days the humpbacks have been the superstars on North Sailing tours, demanding all the attention from the passengers and crew. The humpbacks have breached unusually often and even splashed passengers by slamming their flippers on the surface of the sea. A humpback can grow up to 16 meters in length and…


Curious Humpbacks

In the last few days the humpback whales have been playing the leading roles on our tours although blue whales, minke whales, dolphins and porpoises have also been spotted. br> Some of the humpbacks have been swimming around the boats just taking a look at the enthralled passengers. The following pictures were taken in the…


8 departures today

Today our boats have been sailing on the bay in good weather and our excellent crews managed to spot 4 species of whales in nearly all departures: white beaked dolphins, minke whales, humpback whales and blue whales! The weather forecast for the next days is promesing and we encourage you, dear reader, to take the…


Blue whales in the bay

All 4 North Sailing boats are out this morning and so far they have spotted at least one Blue Whale and some Minke Whales as well. The Blue Whale can get up to 20-30 meters long and weigh up to 110-190 tons and although the dinosaurs were super sized, they don´t stand the comparison to…


And on it goes…

The last days have been amazing on Skjálfandi Bay. Blue Whales have been spottet in almost every trip and the Humpbacks haven´t left since in the beginning of the season. This morning North Sailing´s crew on m/b Knörrinn spottet around 70 to 100 White Beaked Dolphins who put on a great show, jumping out of…


North Sailing´s Staff Site updated

North Sailing’s Staff-site has now been updated. Both there are new faces to be introduced, plus informations on our staff has been updated. This summer North-Sailing welcomes an excellent group of new people to work, and besides new staff there are a couple of individuals that have been part of our crew before. Here below,…


NS-2: Whales, Puffins & Sails is popular

North Sailing now departs two times a day in the tour Whales, Puffins & Sails which is made on the schooner Haukur. This tour has been very popular and successful so far this summer and passengers get to experience seeing the biggest mammals on earth, the cutest bird in Iceland (the puffin) as well as…


3 Blue Whales by North Sailing

Blue whales and humpback whales have been spotted in all North Sailing whale watching tours the last couple of days. HH Hrólfur is one of the more experienced captains of North Sailing. Guide Ditta and some of the passengers on the lookout on the high platform onboard Náttfari.


The show must go on…

… and it certainly has gone on and on and on… The 3rd month of the season now starting and everything still just as good as it gets. It is sometimes difficult to find words to describe the atmosphere and excitement onboard the whale watching boats so we let the pictures speak for themself this…


Yet another successful day

Húsavík has been especially lively today with lots of visitors at the harbour area. The weather has been great and even quite warm, on the Iceland-thermometer at least:) North Sailing had a total of 6 departures today with almost 300 visitors that got to experience 5-6 minke whales thereof one which was playing with the…


Tailor-made tours popular

During the past weeks North Sailing team has been busy with tailor-made trips for special groups. Those tours have been very different but all organized in cooperation with the customers. The first one to mention is the midnight sailing to Grímsey Island last weekend. Around 30 passengers sailed with Náttfari, North Sailing’s boat, to celebrate…


Fantastic Four

The last days… well in fact the last two months have been fantastic. With almost non-stop humpback sightings and great weather apart from few days have made this the best summer start so far for North Sailing. Today was no exception and tonight, captain Hrolfur and Hilmar Valur ventured out on Bjössi Sör with 50…


A New Café in Húsavík

As reported on the website in May, a 90 year old house is now located in the harbour and will serve as a Café. The house has been in renovation since early this year and the changes have been enormous. Café Skuld offers high class coffee and dilicious tarts, along with bread rolls and open…


Blue Whales on North Sailing trip this morning

This morning three of North Sailing boats saw 3 blue whales and 3 humpback whales. Blue whales are the largest animal to ever live on the earth and it is a real privilege for the passengers on board to view those magnificent creatures. On board Haukur the Schooner was a group of photographers and models…


Midnight Sailing to Grimsey Island – 24th June

For the past few years North Sailing has organized a midnight sailing to Grimsey Island where passengers get a chance to cross the Arctic Circle. This even is always around the longest day of the year and now it will be held on the 24th June. Departure is from Húsavík at 20:00 and estimated arrival…


100% success rate and NS-2 added to the schedule

20th of June marked the beginning of the popular NS-2 trip, “Whales, puffins and sails”. Schooner Haukur has already sailed out two times this season in good conditions, with wind for the sails, thousands of puffins in Lundey and loads of humback whales. Up until now there is a 100% success rate in North Sailing´s…


“Truly a unique experience!”

Recently Schooner Haukur undertook a three day voyage around the islands and fjords of North Island. Among other places, the herring era town of Siglufjörður and the Island of Grímsey on the arctic circle were visited. This trip will be on schedule in the spring time and upon request also late August and September but…


Back on track after 1 day of cancellations

Yesterday a sudden drop of temperatures and northerly winds made it impossible for whale watching boats to go out. The North Sailing boats are however back on track and in today´s trips, Humpback whales and white beaked dolphins played the main roles in the trips. Hilmar Valur Gunnarsson one of North Sailing´s guides took these…


Whale research on Skjálfandi Bay

Last week the Whale Museum invited North Sailing staff to a lecture on whale research and a ‘start of the season’ party. Arianna Cecchetti, from Italy who is working on her Master thesis, at the University of Wales in Bangor, is going to be in Húsavík for the summer studying the whales of Skjálfandi. She…


Humpbacks by Húsavík Harbour

…and the show continues! For the past few days humpbacks have been seen just minutes outside the harbour of Húsavík. North Sailing staff has even started to wonder whether the whale watching boats will become unnecessary as people can view whales from the pier. We still want to encourage travellers to sail with us and…
