Snow on the mountains and in the sea ;-)

The last day of August brought us rough weather: the cold storm from the north caused high waves and the tips of the Viknafjöll mountains turned white – yes, we got the first snow of the oncoming autumn! But despite the challenging sailing conditions we’ve been lucky with the whales. We spotted several small harbor…


No more cinnamon rolls for me

We went out on Náttfari at 11:00 o’clock. We had 5 humpback whales in total and 2 Minke whales. One of the humpbacks came up on the way back, really close to the harbor. That was a nice surprice! We also went out at 15:00 o’clock. We saw two Humpback whales and one was flipping…


Sun is back in the Bay.

  After a rainy Saturday, the sun is back today. Few clouds were still present in the morning but the afternoon was very sunny! Perfect weather to admire two humpback whales together, coming close to our boat. One of them is called Snow White, a well known humpback whale of Skjalfandi Bay. It has been…


Jumping Humpback Whales

The weather on this morning was a bit rough as we were going out into the bay. After some driving we found ourselves in the presence of two humpback whales which were surfacing together as well as diving right after each other. It was a pleasure to watch them, especially when they were swimming towards…


The reward for the braves!

The weather conditions today were not as good as we wanted them to be but whatever ! Our passengers were ready to face fog and rain to discover whales. And the result was worth it! Indeed, we were very lucky to see a humpback whale breaching 17 times, such a good moment. As you can see,…


After the fog, comes the sun…

After extremely difficult sea conditions yesterday, today was one of these most beautiful days the North of Iceland can offer us. The sun warmed the day at sea and the whales seemed to love it!  After a very fine show in the morning, the afternoon tour turned out being amazing, with a Minke Whale, a…


The Fog

Sometimes the sea does have its own set of rules. Today it was the thick and impenetrable ones of fog.It lead us to a new kind of experience: Whale-guessing. Take a whale watching with experienced crew members, add a large crowd of guests, put them in the thickest myst and try to find whales only…


What a fantastic whale watching season!

It is safe to say that this season has been the best whale watching season so far. Since North Sailing was founded, 22 years ago, there has never been as much life in Skjálfandi Bay as this summer! The main players are the humpback whales, which are quite unpredictable, as can be seen on the…


Surrounded by humpback whales

On this morning we decided to drive to the same area as the day before, looking for the whales we were lucky enough to encounter then. This decision turned out to be the right one when we found ourselves surrounded by humpback whales again. During our time spent in what seemed like “humpback whale central”…


Humpback whales everywhere !

Today we started our first tour with the best weather and sea conditions. After driving for a while towards the north-east part of the bay we found ourselves surrounded by humpback whales. We even had several animals close together. They seemed to be very relaxed until later in the day when they became more active…


Pilotwhales in the bay !

On this day we were surprised with an unexpected pleasure, pilot whales!!! We found them feeding in the area of the puffin island Lundey. It was a large pod with around a hundred individuals. Our luck continued during the day, when we had several minke whales close to the boat, in an area where there…


Leaping dolphins

We headed out into the bay on a sunny morning on our Schooner Hildur, as ever, very expentant as to what we would find today as every trip is different.    Our passengers, who were of all different nationalities, were very excited when we spotted a large pod of dolphins travelling through the bay. We…


The show must go on!

Its still many puffins on puffinisland to see. The puffin leaves in the end of august and puffinisland is one of the first sights we spot during our whales, sails and puffins tour. The cute little black bird with its white belly, colorful beak and coloful beak is always nice to have a closer look at.…


A nice reward

We spotted humpachwhales today too. The first thing we spotted of the humpbackwhale today was the spout, it rised 4.5 meters aboce the surface of the sea. A good whalewatcher can tell whats specie of whale it is already from looking at the whales spout. The diffrent whale species have diffrent blowholes and also the whales are in…



Hildur is a popular sailing schooner to go whalewatching with. On the tour we set the schooner sail erly in the tour after our visit to puffinisland even if it wasn´t much wind. The sea was like calm. It is good for the stability to have the sail up so the boat don´t role too much in the…


Research center: “Many blue whales in Skjálfandi Bay”

According to the Whale Museum in Húsavík, blue whales are getting more and more common in Skjálfandi bay:   “A significant number of blue whales visit Skjálfandi Bay every year as many people whale-watching from Husavik can bear witness. During our yearly whale congress, held by the Whale Museum in Húsavík and The University of…


Like a mirror!

The sea was like a mirror today, it was sunny and clear weather and a good day to spot the whales from a far distance. On the tour with the schooner Hildur today we spotted the first whale not long after crossing over the bay from puffinisland. There where humpbackwhales. If you read the blogg…


2 whales swimming together

Today the weather was nice, the sun was shining and waves was small.  We had lots off humpbacks whales in the bay today. 2 off the humpback where swimming together all day, – properly hunting for food together.  The 2 whales swimming together was very synchronized, and went up to the surface at the same…


Sunny day with lots of whales

This morning on our beautiful sailing boat Hildur started with the most incredible weather and sea conditions. After our usual stop at the puffin island Lundey we went into the middle of the bay in search of marine mammals. A short trip later we found a humpback whale jumping several times. This animal gave us…
