Countless Humpback Whales!

  If you have dreamt of seeing a humpback whale in action, Húsavík is a great destination for you. The elegant activity of the humpback whale when it raises its fluke as it goes down for a deep-dive has been a common sight for North Sailing passengers and crew for the past few weeks and…


Whale watching non-stop!!!

The summer weather in Northern Iceland goes on and so does the feeding party in Skjálfandi Bay! Also today the sun was shining and the south wind caused high temperatures. When we left the harbor, we already spotted several blows in front of us. And that’s how it went on! The humpback whales occurred in…


Whales, swell and fun

Although the sun was shining in Husavik, it was still cold and foggy in the bay. Our guests were happy that we suggested them to wear the overall jackets, and even happier when we spotted our first whale not far away from the harbour, a minke less shy than the average, making several appearances not…


Lobtail in the fog

Another fantastic day full of whales in Skjalfandi Bay. In spite of a thick fog, the conditions for whale watching have once again proved to be excellent. Several whales were present. Lots of sea birds were also spotted during the tours: puffins, gannets, fulmars, eiders, skuas and arctic terns were competing with the minke and…


Sunday brunch

On our morning tour we had numerous guests from a cruising ship, which stopped in the harbor of Húsavík. Although the day started quite rainy, the sea was flat and nobody cared about the weather anyway. What was the reason? Of course the whales!!! Even though it was quite foggy and we worried whether we…


A breaching Humpback whale in the sun!

Today was an amazing day! The weather was great and the bay was full of life. On our 10:00 tour we saw a Humback whale jump twice only a few meters away from the boat, leaving everyone simply speachless! It was truly amazing. We then headed west where we spotted Humpback whales, Minke whales and Harbour Porpoises feeding among big groups of…


The Great Feeding goes on

Also today the conditions for whale watching in Skjálfandi Bay remained unchanged: The whales were easy to find, because they occurred not only close to the mountains but also in the middle and southern part of the bay. We got impressive looks on several humpback whales. It was also very nice to see feeding minke…


An amazing day!!

So today was a fantastic day! The day started out very sunny, and the bay silky smooth. We encountered several whales, probably around ten minke whales and ten humpback whales, and we even spotted a couple of harbor porpoises, but very shortly though. The bay was very crowded by whales and the visibility extremely good, we could…


A fantastic May has come to an end !

May has been a very successful month. We have had good weather conditions and we have seen whales on almost all of our tours. In total, six species of whales have been spotted: The mighty blue whale has been seen on several tours (just like in April, when some of them showed up surprisingly early),…


Humpback whales simply everywhere!!!

Weather conditions could not have been better today! The sea was smooth as a mirror and the temperatures felt more like the Caribbean than Iceland. We sailed out to search for the whales, but in fact it was not a hard job to find them: The whales seemed to be everywhere! We spotted the blows…


Four species in the sun!

We sailed out in beautiful sunshine this morning and only a few minutes after we left the harbour we spotted a very big spout. As we got closer to it we realized that this was actually a Blue whale, the biggest animal ever to have lived on the earth. We got a few looks at…


A breaching Humpback in the evening sun!

Today was another fantastic whale watching day here in Skjálfandi Bay: We had beautiful weather conditions (especially in the afternoon) and during the day we were able to spot four different species of whales: Humpback Whales, Minke Whales, White-Beaked Dolphins and Harbour Porpoises. Most of these animals were feeding among big groups of seabirds on…


Hungry whales

The whales are still very hungry and stay in the western part of the bay, close to Creek mountains. There are many hungry whales, at least five humpback whales, six minke whales and groups of white beaked dolphins. There were whales all around the boat and birds as well, it was just amazing! The weather…


Orcas and a feeding party

Today not only the weather provided perfect whale watching conditions! The bay was full of life and sometimes it was hard to decide where to go first. In the western part of the bay, close to the mountains, a big feeding party took place. Surrounded by hundreds of birds we saw at least five humpback…


An incredible number of whales!

Today we had (once more) absolutely amazing whale watching tours here in Skjálfandi Bay! On all trips today we spotted numerous humpback whales (there must have been about 10-15 humpback whales in the bay today), several groups of white-beaked dolphins and on our afternoon tours also several minke whales. It was amazing to see them…


Feeding party.

Today was a wonderful day! We think that there are at least eight minke whales and four humpback whales in the bay at the moment. There are also groups of white beaked dolphins and harbour porpoises. All the whales seemed to be very busy feeding, especially the humpback whales. The weather was very nice today,…


A fantastic day!

Today was absolutely beautiful! The weather was very nice, it stopped raining this morning and the sun was shining on us throughout the day. The sea was, however, a little wavy from yesterdays weather. But the whales were present, and gave us really good shows. There are at least five humpback whales in the bay,…


No tours today

Unfortunately we had to cancel all of our tours today. The captains agreed that the weather was too rough and conditions too difficult. The weather forcast looks better for tomorrow, hopefully the wind and waves will have calmed down by tomorrow.   Þorbjörg, guide.


A spout-tacular day!

Today we were really lucky because the crew on Hildur, one of our schooners who was on its way towards Flatey, to continue from there to Grímsey, spotted a mighty spout very far away. We on Bjössi Sör were heading towards a humpback whale when we heard about this huge spout. We however continued to…


A great start into the weekend

Today the sea was quite calm again and although the weather forecast had predicted heavy rain, the sun was shining most of the time. So we had perfect whale watching conditions when we sailed out today. On the first two trips we had wonderful encounters with a humpback whale in the middle of the bay.…
