It's raining whales…..

It has been a very wet, but also very successful tour this morning in Skjálfandi Bay: It started raining as soon as we were about to leave Húsavík and did not stop before we came back to the harbour. Despite the rain, the conditions were perfect for whale watching as the sea was almost as…

Three species in the bay

This morning when Christian and myself went together with captain Hrólfur out to Skjálfandibay, we had a good feeling for the day. The course was set to the western part of the bay. After about one hour of sailing we spotted something a bit further north and headed there without delay. It took not a…

The first minke whale!!!

We were pretty excited to sail out and find the humpback whale again, which we had seen on both tours yesterday. When leaving the harbour at 10:00 this morning, we started with setting the course towards the area where we had been successful yesterday and it did not take long until we spotted a powerful…

A handful of humpbacks

In the beginning of the tour, we spotted a minke whale just about 15 minutes from Húsavík harbour. Unfortunately, the minke whale didn’t show much of itself so we decided to sail a bit further out. After about one hour of searching, we finally saw the blow from a humpback whale and after taking a…

Humpback whales on every tour

The last three days have been just wonderful here in Skjálfandi Bay: We have had amazing weather conditions with beautiful icelandic autumn sun and snow-covered mountains, and there are also quite many humpback whales in the bay! Yesterday (and also on Friday) we saw at least four different humpback whales per tour, today there must…

A very hungry Humpback Whale

Today we encountered three different humpback whales on our tour this morning, but especially the first of these three whales was really spectacular to watch: It was a humpback whale that was feeding at the surface and came up several times with the mouth wide open right next to our boat, so on some occasions…