Lively bay and harbour

Another wonderful day in Husavik, lots of sun, beautiful mountains and lots of wildlife. We saw big groups of puffins, arctic terns and fulmars, all close to 2 blue whales feeding north from Husavik. On the way we lingered with humpback whales, who were close to the boat and showing their beautiful flukes high above…

Bumpy, but still amazing

Today was really good. The morning trip was wet though, and quite rough, with some people getting sea sick. We headed directly towards the mountains, hoping for the same feast as yesterday but with no real luck. We got treated though by loads of Dolphins, funny since we saw none of them yesterday. In the…

Amazing Day

Today was absolutely amazing. Not only was the weather very good, but the Whales were fantastic. Funny enough though, it did not look like the morning trip would be too good, we sailed for a long, long time, across the bay to the mountains without seeing anything. Reports from other boats were just the same,…

Whale adventure!

It’s very hard to describe in words the feeling of seeing the big BLUE whales, especially seeing more than one of them and just a one hour sailings away from the harbour of Húsavík.   Whether I’ve been on our NS-2 Whales, Puffins and Sails or on the Orignal Whale Watching tour (NS-1) it has…

White sails and blue whales

The day was great for our guests aboard Schooner Hildur for our Whales, puffins & sails tour.  In the morning tour we had 4 different species and quite a lot of good sailing in the northerly breeze.  Those species included, white beaked dolphins, minke whales, humpback whales and even a blue whale although we didn’t…

What a day, what a bay!

What a day, what a bay, what can I say!?  Well, I can say that I sailed the fantastic schooner Hildur with a fantastic crew (Remy, Martin, Ármann & Hildur) today and yesterday, a total of 4 NS2 trips and it was bloody fantastic!  Humpbacks, minkes and dolphins plus Puffin Island so full of puffins…

Humpbacks, minkes and dolphins!

The whale watching conditions are still very good here in Skjálfandi Bay and today we saw all the three species from yesterday again: Humpback whale, minke whale and white-beaked dolphin.   In the morning we found our first whale only 20 minutes after leaving the harbour: A humpback whale, not far from Húsavík! It was…

Big feeding frenzy!!!

On a day like this I love the job as a whale-watching guide!!! During both tours we had absolutely beaufitul weather conditions (flat sea, sun, and up to 18°C), and we were able to watch some big feeding frenzies today.   Close to the “Fish Rock” (which is located on the western side of the…

What an amazing day!!!

Today was an absolutely fantastic whale watching day here in Skjálfandi Bay!   In the morning tour we saw a total of six humpback whales and two minke whales. We had some very spectacular moments when a group of four humpback whales was surfacing right next to our boat several times, quite a rare sight!!!…

Four species today

The sun was shining the whole time during both trips and we still have a lot of whales around here in the bay.  In the morning we left the harbour with two boats again (“Náttfari” and “Bjössi Sör”) and set the course to the area where we had seen all the humpback whales yesterday. The…

Humpbacks, minkes and puffins

The perfect whale watching conditions continued also today! Just minutes after we left the harbour we found both humpback and minke whales feeding together in the same area. In total there were three different humpback whales and at least two minke whales present and it was sometimes difficult to decide what to watch, as several…