March 23rd – 25th

The last couple of days have been a little bit tricky.   On Monday (March 23.) we had northerly storm with snow fall and really rough weather that prevented us to go out on sea, so the tour was cancelled.   On Tuesday, we went out in rather difficult conditions since there was still some…

Orcas – Killer Whales!

We sailed out in pretty windy southerly winds but sunny and bright weather. With course towards the Mountains of Creek at the west of the bay, we began to see more and more bird life, including the majestic Northern Gannets which we had not seen so much of so far this season. ©Már Höskuldsson  …

Minkes, Dolphins and Humpbacks!

We had a simply fantastic tour this morning onboard “Náttfari”! It started with a very nice and friendly minke whale that we encountered after about 30-40 minutes sailing from Húsavík harbour. The minke whale seemed to be feeding in the area, as it took only very short and shallow dives and at one occasion, it…

A minke a day…..

Today seems to have been the day of the minke whale here in Skjálfandi Bay. We spotted a minke whale on all our tours today (most likely always the same individual) and got some really nice and close-up looks at it. It was also a rather big individual and on some occasions, we could even…

Time to say goodbye

Similar to the last couple of days the weather today reminded of summer instead of autumn. It was sunny and pretty warm and the sea flat as a mirror. We sailed north in direction of the open sea, since other boats already checked out the western part of the bay without being successful. Suddenly we…

Ups and Downs….

To be honest, today was a rather difficult day for whale watching here in the bay. When leaving the harbour this morning at 9:00, we set the course towards the area where we had been successful yesterday. But despite searching a really big area, the only mammals we saw were some harbour porpoises just outside…