
It’s hard to believe – but it seems the summer finally reched Iceland! Today was one of those days you wish they would never end. The sky bright blue, the sea reminded a bit of the Caribbean and the mountains in the western part of Skjálfandi Bay gave us a stunning sight. The sailing itself…

Encounter with an old friend

In the morning we sailed along the east coast of Skjálfandi Bay. We just left the harbor when we spotted a minke whale. It was heading north and we followed it some time on its way. But then we encountered a much bigger animal: A humpback whale! It was busy feeding and didn’t care about us at…

Four species in the morning!

Of the 23 different species of Cetaceans that have been recorded in Icelandic waters, 4 are most commonly seen: Harbour Porpoise, White-beaked Dolphin, Humpback Whale, and Minke Whale. And on the morning tour we saw all of them! 2-3 Porpoises popped up towards the front of the boat very close by just after we had…

whale fun in the sun

After a short journey to the middle of the bay we encountered a Humpback whale which was very friendly towards us. It surfaced in short time intervals and came several times close to the boat. After that we saw a really big blow and started a journey in northerly direction. We encountered the biggest animal…

Winter in June????

It’s hard to believe that it’s already mid-June. This season is called “summer” in other parts of the world, but obviously not here in Iceland. The wind from the north brought quite high waves but also very cold temperatures. We couldn’t believe our eyes when it started snowing! Difficult conditions for spotting the whales through…

Plenty of food

After the wonderful sunny day yesterday this Wednesday started pretty gray and rainy. However, the sea was perfectly flat when we headed out into the bay. Consequently, it was quite easy to spot a surfacing black back from a big distance already. We got closer and encounetred a humpback whale. The individual was very calm and…

Three species in sunny weather

Today we had pretty nice weather conditions here in Skjálfandi Bay with a lot of sunshine, so hopefully summer is finally arriving here in the north of Iceland.   I went on two tours on our biggest boat “Garðar” (at 10:00 and 13:30) and both tours have been really successful. In the morning we came…

On a sunny Sunday

On a sunny Sunday we encountered a small group of dolphins on the way up northwest. Some minutes later we saw another blue whale. We spend quite some time with the blue whale as it was diving for a long time and we wanted to get a good look at it. After a few encounters,…