Waving humpback whale

Today was a wery good day. We finally got more sun shining and the waves were really nice and friendly. Our 4 hour whale, puffin and sail tour (NS 2) started at 9:30 on Haukur, our smallest 2 mast schooner. We went to Puffin island and got really good view of the little friends of…

One more wavy day

Today weather and waves were the same as yesterday. So all the trips were cancelled. The waves got worse later in the day. But it doesen’t matter if there are no trips the staff still has plenty of things to do, making sure that we will be ready when the high season begins.    …

Minkies after a storm

The day started with difficult weather conditions that obliged us to cancel the majority of our tours today. But as we went out, we enjoyed the presence of many Minke Whales. At least 3 of them came feeding very close to the ship. The weather forecast for tomorow remains so far uncertain, but the whole…

Difficult conditions

Today was a rather difficult day for whale watching: We had a lot of snow and rain and quite strong northerly winds, meaning that we also got some swell at sea. But despite the bad weather conditions we were of course, like always, optimistic to find some whales. We were searching in a big area…

Winter is back!

We had not been able to go out at sea the last two days because of bad weather conditions.   But the storm had calmed down as we left the harbour this morning at 10:00 (even though it was still snowing a bit when we were at sea). It is always exciting to go out…

Birds and a minke

After many thrilling days, today happened to be a bit more complicated for the whales. Our guests enjoyed a beautifull minke whale by the end of the  morning tour, but we were unlucky finding a whale this afternoon. But we were gifted with beautiful birds sightings, with puffins, skuas and ganets on many occasions! And…

Summer is coming

Humpbacks and Minke whales were still here for us today. Two of each specie in the morning, and a very nice time with the same small humpback that we saw yesterday in the afternoon. The sun was shinning beautifuly, but the temperature was still rather cold. Despite of what you may have heard again last…

Jump around!

The days go by and each one brings its fair share of happiness here in the bay. Our morning guests had to wait a good hour before being able to enjoy the most fantastic show that a whale can offer: a young humpback breached out of the water within a distance. The afternoon tour was…

Saving “Hope”, chapter one

The sun was shinning again on Husavik. And whales were here to enlight the day even more.. The morning tour was brigthened by the presence of our entangled whale, baptised „Hope“ by our researchers, whereas the afternoon tour has allowed us to see two humpbacks and a nice group of dolphin. Our guests were in…

The humpback show

For a second day in a row, the humpbacks were here in the bay. Two of them were seen on the first tour, and one in the afternoon. For the first time this season, we went out on Bjössi Sör, one the last oak boats ever built in Iceland. What is nowadays one of the…

Surfin´ Skalfandi Bay

Going out at sea was a bit of a challenge for our passengers, since the sea was very bumpy. But still, we went out twice and came back succesful on both tour, after having seen a minke whale in the morning and killer whales in the afternoon. As challenging as the tours were for our…

Dolphin fun!

It was the kind of days when one could forget we are in Iceland. A magic sun welcomed our guests in the bay the whole day through! If the morning tour was unfortunately unsuccessful, we found a charming group of dolphins in the afternoon that entertained us quite a long time! And we, for the…