Blue whale party

We had an amazing day on Friday. We encountered lots of humpback whales with some of them breaching and blue whales.   However, the most special trip I ever had started at 8pm. We went out with the hope to see the biggest animal on earth again but if you do trips to see wild…

Surprise after the storm

The first week of June started very stormy and due to the bad weather conditions we had to cancel our tours on Monday and Tuesday. But yesterday the storm calmed down and we had the chance to go out again. It’s always exciting to sail out after a “break”. The wind and high waves influence…

Feeding and flipper slapping

There’s still no sign of the summer, although we’re desperately waiting for it. So today conditions were a bit challenging and we had to make our way through pretty high waves. But fortunately the whales don’t care about the weather. It took us some time to find the whales, but suddenly they surfaced all around…

Humpback Whale heaven!

Skjálfandi Bay is still full of humpback whales these days and today was no exception.   I went on two tours on “Bjössi Sör” today (at 10:00 and 13:30) and both tours were extremely successful. In the morning we encountered at least six humpback whales in an area just about two miles from Húsavík harbour.…

FOUR species in ONE tour!!!

Húsavík is a very famous location for Whale Watching not only because of the beautiful scenery but also because in this bay we’re able to observe many different cetacean species. However, we always tell our passengers at the beginning of a tour that although different species visit us troughout the season, it is pretty unlikely…

A bit of everything

It was my first working day for this season and Iceland gave me a great welcome – by giving me a perfect performance of the changing weather conditions, which are typical for this region. In the morning the sea was very calm, it was sunny and the excellent visibility enabled us to spot the whales…

Summer is coming…..

The last days have been really good for whale watching here in Skjálfandi Bay. We have seen whales on all our trips and it is just really nice to see the increasing number of wildlife her in the bay. We have been seeing more and more humpback and minke whales and on some tours, we…

The patience did pay off!

We decided to go out on our 10:00 despite bad weather, low temperatures, wind and waves. More than 20 brave people joined us for that tour on our boat Náttfari. In conditions like this it´s much harder to spot whales but after a long search we finally managed to locate a mighty humpback whale which…

A very curious minke whale…

Today has been a wonderful day for whale watching here in Skjálfandi Bay. On all our trips we managed to find both humpback and minke whales in flat sea conditions. During the tour at 13:30 we had a simply amazing encounter with a very friendly and curious minke whale who decided to check out our…