Leaping dolphins

We headed out into the bay on a sunny morning on our Schooner Hildur, as ever, very expentant as to what we would find today as every trip is different.    Our passengers, who were of all different nationalities, were very excited when we spotted a large pod of dolphins travelling through the bay. We…

The show must go on!

Its still many puffins on puffinisland to see. The puffin leaves in the end of august and puffinisland is one of the first sights we spot during our whales, sails and puffins tour. The cute little black bird with its white belly, colorful beak and coloful beak is always nice to have a closer look at.…

A nice reward

We spotted humpachwhales today too. The first thing we spotted of the humpbackwhale today was the spout, it rised 4.5 meters aboce the surface of the sea. A good whalewatcher can tell whats specie of whale it is already from looking at the whales spout. The diffrent whale species have diffrent blowholes and also the whales are in…


Hildur is a popular sailing schooner to go whalewatching with. On the tour we set the schooner sail erly in the tour after our visit to puffinisland even if it wasn´t much wind. The sea was like calm. It is good for the stability to have the sail up so the boat don´t role too much in the…

Like a mirror!

The sea was like a mirror today, it was sunny and clear weather and a good day to spot the whales from a far distance. On the tour with the schooner Hildur today we spotted the first whale not long after crossing over the bay from puffinisland. There where humpbackwhales. If you read the blogg…

2 whales swimming together

Today the weather was nice, the sun was shining and waves was small.  We had lots off humpbacks whales in the bay today. 2 off the humpback where swimming together all day, – properly hunting for food together.  The 2 whales swimming together was very synchronized, and went up to the surface at the same…

Sunny day with lots of whales

This morning on our beautiful sailing boat Hildur started with the most incredible weather and sea conditions. After our usual stop at the puffin island Lundey we went into the middle of the bay in search of marine mammals. A short trip later we found a humpback whale jumping several times. This animal gave us…

The Sea is Alive

Today the bay was teaming with life. As we left the harbor mouth we saw a puffling, going for one of its first swims in the big ocean. The bay was calm as we made our way towards Lundey and perhaps this encouraged the harbor porpoises to come close to look at our boat. We…

The Clouds Have Lifted

After several days of cloudy weather which had obscured Víknafjöll, we finally got a good look at the mountains today. They always make the bay feel somewhat smaller, but more majestic.   The North Atlantic was calm as glass on the way to Lundey, and the sun shone in all its glory. The puffins too seemed…

Wet and cold, but beautiful

Hildur went out in the rain in the afternoon and it was wet and cold. You couldn´t see across the bay in this weather and the mountains surrounding  Skjalfandibay was hidden in the grey clouds. The guest onboard was in good mood and thougt the weather was just as like home, “just like british summer” said  the…

Full sails

Sailing Opal is alway enjoyable. We had better winds for sailing today then preivoius day so we had plenty of sails up. Even if we prioritize the whalewatching we still have time to do a really nice sailing too during our 4 hours whales, puffins and sails tour.  Nils was guiding about dolphins, minkewhales, humpbackwhales, puffins and different bird while me and Barbara and…

Curious humpback whale

Today was a fantastic day on Hildur, where the sea was calm, and we found some amazing animals. Close to Puffin island we had a surprise visit from 4 white beaked dolphins, there were playing around. Today the whales has been hanging around, close to the mountains so we crossed the bay, and found some…

Beautiful fluke lifts

Today has been really nice and the sea was totally flat. In the beginning, the weather was foggy, but we sailed out of the fog and found a clear sky, and lots off humpback whales. The Humpback whales where very active and there was many whales in the same area. The humpbacks whales were really…

Special fluke

Today the weather started out being very nice, and with a flat sea and we had a great tour. We found a very nice humpback whale, which had 2 yellow spots on its fluke, so it was really easy to recognize from the other humpback whales. In the afternoon, the weather became foggy, and made…

Whalewatching in Skjalfándi

The weather is fair. A little fog in the bay creates a mysterious atmosphere. As we sail to Lundey (puffin Island) we are surrounded by quite some birdlife. Arctic terns, kittiwakes, and some guillemots. At the island the puffins are going wild. Lots of them in the air today. We also spotted 2 skua’s, probably…

Sailing on Hildur

Today we’re sailing on Hildur, one of the schooners we have. Named after the valkyrie Hildr. We have some slight drizzle though luckily the whales don’t mind some rain. We started out at puffin island, most of the puffins have now laid their egg and the island is filled with their white chests. With some…