Sails up!

Wind in Skjálfandi Bay is never predictable, and the Bay can completely transform in no time at all! Our passengers definitely saw this today, as we headed out into sunshine, calm seas and hardly a breeze. These conditions were perfect for whale watching, and the whales were happily coming to the surface, giving us an…

Chilly days

Today, our lovely schooner Haukur headed out into a chilly Skjálfandi Bay. Yet, the cold is no match for our warm and cozy red overalls! With our passengers and crew all bundled up, we were ready for some whale watching. And the whales did not disappoint! Four Humpback whales paid us a visit, sometimes coming very…

Sun is back in the Bay.

  After a rainy Saturday, the sun is back today. Few clouds were still present in the morning but the afternoon was very sunny! Perfect weather to admire two humpback whales together, coming close to our boat. One of them is called Snow White, a well known humpback whale of Skjalfandi Bay. It has been…

Jumping Humpback Whales

The weather on this morning was a bit rough as we were going out into the bay. After some driving we found ourselves in the presence of two humpback whales which were surfacing together as well as diving right after each other. It was a pleasure to watch them, especially when they were swimming towards…

The Fog

Sometimes the sea does have its own set of rules. Today it was the thick and impenetrable ones of fog.It lead us to a new kind of experience: Whale-guessing. Take a whale watching with experienced crew members, add a large crowd of guests, put them in the thickest myst and try to find whales only…

Surrounded by humpback whales

On this morning we decided to drive to the same area as the day before, looking for the whales we were lucky enough to encounter then. This decision turned out to be the right one when we found ourselves surrounded by humpback whales again. During our time spent in what seemed like “humpback whale central”…

Humpback whales everywhere !

Today we started our first tour with the best weather and sea conditions. After driving for a while towards the north-east part of the bay we found ourselves surrounded by humpback whales. We even had several animals close together. They seemed to be very relaxed until later in the day when they became more active…

Pilotwhales in the bay !

On this day we were surprised with an unexpected pleasure, pilot whales!!! We found them feeding in the area of the puffin island Lundey. It was a large pod with around a hundred individuals. Our luck continued during the day, when we had several minke whales close to the boat, in an area where there…