Whales everywhere

Today I went on two tours on our biggest boat, Garðar, at 10:00 and 13:30. Both tours were a great success with several humpback and minke whales as well as white-beaked dolphins being spotted on both tours. But the second tour was really unique. I went out together with Þorbjörg and we took turns with…

Breaching humpback

A breaching humpback whale was spotted today. I didn’t count how many times, but if I had to guess I would say at least 30 times in one tour. It was just absolutely amazing! Pictures say more than words…     Damien Saffroy took this fantastic picture.   Guide Þorbjörg

A lucky day

When we were heading out this morning we had some news of a killer whale in the bay. At first I almost didn’t believe what I was hearing because the killer whale isn’t so common at this time a year in Skjálfandibay but we soon found out for ourselves that this was very true. We got quite…

Our friend, the humpback

Today I went out on the 13:30 tour with captain Hrólfur and engineer Garðar on boat Garðar. After following some white beaked dolphins for a while, we headed to the area where we had been watching a humpback whale on our erlier tour and there we found him – but he surely was on the…

4 Humpbacks and staff off duty

Tonight I went out on Náttfari with over 50 passengers, captain Hrólfur, engineer Tomaz and two crew members that were actually off duty! Yes, I must say, very enthusiastic staff we have! Captain Már and guide Christian decided to go whale watching on their night off… and just that leaves me wondering: This must be…

Silky smooth bay

Today the bay was silky smooth or “smooth like a mirror” like we Icelanders say and the weather was ideal for wale watching. It was cloudy but warm and there was almost no wind. Assistant guide Ísak found the first whale in the 10 o’clock tour and it was a minke whale. Then there came…

A very curious minke whale

Today I went out at 14:00 in beautiful weather conditions on a special tour with the participants of the “Ice Climate Education Camp” on our sailing schooner Haukur. We sailed out of the harbour together with Dagmar Aaen that left Húsavík harbour to set course towards Greenland. It took us just a few minutes to…

The days of the smaller species

The last few days have been strange in many ways. The bigger whales have not been as prominent as the weeks before, but the smaller species have blossomed instead. Minkes, Dolphins and Harbour Porpoises have been exceptionally calm and the weather has really helped out, it has been very sunny and warm. The Minke whales…

A Trip Down Memory Lane

Today I went out on schooner Haukur for the 11 o’clock tour, which has been set up as an extra tour these last days, with captain Alli and some 18 enthusiastic whale watchers. This was my first trip this season on one of the schooners, but usually they are used for the longer tours; Whales,…

Former head guide on board

Today I went out on the 15.30 tour with fully loaded Náttfari. When boarding the passengers, one of them draw my attention more than others! That was my old friend Elsa María, who started working at North Sailing’s the same year I did, in 2001, and later on even holding the title of a head…

Garðar, the Mighty

Garðar, the biggest boat of our fleet has finally gotten the permits to use the capacity for as many passenger as she should carry. Therefore, the 10:00 trip today was an historical one, never before has North Sailing sailed with so many passengers in one vessel. Well over 130 people, and a crew counting six,…

An elusive humpback

Today I went out on an extra trip at eleven o’clock on Haukur with capt. Hjörleifur. When we left the harbour we heard from the other boats that a humpback whale had been spotted quite far north so we immediately started heading north. By the time we got to where the the whale had been…

Amazing humpbacks.

Today I had a first. It’s amazing  that even I, having worked as a whale watching guide for almost three years now, am still having firsts on our trips. Today was the first time I saw a humpback whale spy-hopping. I went out at 10:00 with captain Hreiðar, deckhand Kormákur and a boatful of passengers.…

Breaching minke whale

Today started a little problematically because of the Sail Húsavík festival that is going on these days. There are so many boats in the harbour that the boat I was going out on had to go to another place in the harbour than usually and there was some problem getting people off and on board.…

Breaking the duck

Today I spent more time at sea than on dry land (which is how I like it) and I had two marvelous trips, first on Hildur this morning and then on Haukur in the afternoon, on our “Whales, Puffins and Sails” tours. Both trips were great! A blue whale, a humpback whale and dolphins are…

The big blue

When we headed out, on our boat Garðar, for the ten o’clock trip the conditions were quite good. After about half an hour we found a humpback whale, this one lifted the fluke really high. It came up several of times pretty close to us but we decided to leave it to take a look at…