A varied day

Finally the wind calmed down and today the sea was almost as flat as a mirror. These conditions enabled us to spot the whales from a distance already. In the morning we encountered two humpback whales in the western part of Skjálfandi Bay, surfacing close together. Both of them were very relaxed and calm, they…

Many Meetings

After the storm of the last few days we enjoyed the sun and warm temperatures today. Many tourists took the chance to join us on one of our tours and it was worth going out into the bay! The highlight of the morning tour were three humpback whales swimming side by side. They lifted their…

Summer break

Obviously, the Icelandic summer has taken a break. Today it was very windy and rainy and our whale watching tours were quite adventurous: The pretty high waves made ​​it difficult to find the whales. Nevertheless, thanks to our manoeuvrable boats and experienced crew the tours were very successful. We encountered several groups of white beaked…

Strong wind!

Today the wind was very strong, blowing from the north, so the waves got really high. Since the conditions were so bad, we were not sure if we could even go out. But we decided to go for it, and try to find some whales, although I for one was not so sure that we…

A jumping humpback in the fog!

It was quite foggy out in Skjálfandi Bay this morning but nevertheless our first tour this morning at 8:50 was a tour to remember. We were searching a big area where we had found several humpback whales during the last couple of days, but instead of humpback whales, we came across four different groups of…

Beautiful tours today!

The sea is still flat as a mirror today, and we have been so lucky the last days with both weather and whales. On one of my tours today we saw four species! First we spotted a humpback whale, and then another, and then yet another! They were feeding quite deep, but still so relaxed…

Icelandic “whale of fame”

Last night, a bright full moon announced that the next morning would be radiant. And it seems that the warm summer wave has decided to spend more time in Húsavík. Although some wind was blowing from the northwest, it was mild and the sea very calm. The perfect conditions for whale-watching were met. It only…

Summer weekend in Húsavík

We have had amazing whale watching conditions here in Húsavík during the weekend: The sea as flat as a mirror, the sun shining (with temperatures around 20°C) and four species of whales spotted here in the bay…..it couldn’t have been any better! There are still lots of humpback whales feeding in many places in the…

Acrobats of the sea

The fury of the northwestern winds was clearly over this morning, and we navigated on a quiet sea. The Skjálfandi Bay once again proved to be one the best spots in the world for observing humpback whales. Here, there, everywhere, a large number of humpback whales manifested their presence by spouting their characteristic heart-shaped blow.…

Whale and wave watching

This morning we sailed out into Skálfandi bay in very choppy seas. The conditions were quite rough, but we managed to finally find a humpback whale. We had almost passed it when we saw the spout, but when the wind is blowing this hard, the spout isn’t visible for a very long time because it…

An amazing tour!

Today I went on the tour at 10 o’clock and it was simply amazing! We were so lucky! We had to sail for quite some time before we saw any whales, but when we did, we could not have asked for a better show! First we spotted some spouts, and when we got closer we…

A bumpy, but great day!

Today we were expecting a grey and rainy day, but instead we sailed into a beautiful, sunny day, altough the wind started blowing around noon and then it got a bit wavy. But the luck was also with us whale wise. We spotted many humpback whales, probably around four or five, and two of them…