Another amazing day with five species

Today was another amazing day at sea. We saw five species again today like yesterday. The blue whales, humpbacks, minke’s, white beaked dolphins and harbour porpoises were in rare form today, especially the dolphins who were really playful, breaching and following the boat for a short while. We also saw a humpback feeding, closing it’s…

Humpbacks still around

When we went out this morning at 10:00, we had less wind and the sea was much calmer than yesterday. When leaving the harbour, we started heading north-west searching for the large whales that had been in the area the last couple of days. After about half an hour we spotted a blow from a…

Haukur's first trips

Today we started going on the tours Whales, puffins & sails, NS-2. We went on two trips, at 9:30 and at 16:30, and these were the first two NS-2 trips of this summer. We went our on our schooner Haukur with some 25 passengers in the morning and headed directly to Lundey (Puffin Island) to…

First trips of the summer

Today I went on my first two trips of this summer. This is my second year with North Sailing and I was a little rusty but it quickly came back to me. The first trip was on Náttfari with capt. Hrólfur, Hjörleifur the engineer and a new guide in training Steinunn. We found some playful…

Three species!

This morning we had an excellent tour on Bjössi Sör, me and captain Hrólfur with 16 passengers. It was snowing a little bit when we left the harbor and it increased as we got further out in the bay but, fortunately, it stopped after about half an hour. We saw a group of white-beaked dolphins…

Eruption in Icelandic volcano

Iceland’s most active volcano Grimsvotn has erupted, sending a plume of white ash 18,000 feet into the air. The volcano lies under the Vatnajokull glacier in southeast Iceland, an area which is uninhabited.   This eruption comes just one year after the Eyjafjallajokull volcano erupted, sending a cloud of ash over Europe that impeded air…

Bad weather the last few days

The weather the last few days has reminded us of anything but summer, with a foggy bay and a stiff northern wind that makes sea conditions great for sickness, but rather poor for whale watching.  Today, any sign of summer is gone with it actually snowing which is unseasonal even for Iceland.   Although the…

Another breaching humpback!

This morning we saw another humpback whale breach close to the boat, the second day in a row! Even though the sea was rough and not quite the best whale watching conditions we were lucky enough to see two different humpback whales. The first one was in the middle of the bay and we followed…