Worth the wait

This morning the whales are very far away. We past a lone Minke whale who surfaced twice on our way west but no luck spotting him or her again, these beautiful little whales, but so fast! We kept heading west and we were rewarded with Humpback whales. Traveling slowly we suddenly realize that there are…

In the eye of the storm

Storm was forecasted, what we got was a wonderful day with sun, blue skies spotted with clouds, and a little breeze, we were in the eye of the storm. In the morning tour we sailed to the west side of the bay to find 3 humpback whales feeding and traveling up and down the bay. The…

Joining a big meeting

Every day is special – once again we realized that today! The weather was very erratic. It was quite rainy and windy this morning and at midday it became very foggy. However we encountered three humpback whales. One of them surfaced close to the harbor of Húsavík, whereas the others stayed in the western part…

Researching whales

Today the weather was typically Icelandic: The day started rainy, but it cleared pretty soon and when we left the harbor in the morning the sky was bright blue. During the day it became a bit more cloudy again, but it was still quite warm and conditions were perfect for heading out and searching for…

Calm sea and calm whales

Today conditions were simply perfect: The sea was incredibly calm and flat like a mirrow. It was quite warm and visibility was excellent – best preconditions to find the whales. In the morning it took us some time to spot them. They were in the northwestern part of Skjálfandi Bay and interestingly despite the good…

A fantastic trip in the sunset

We had already been successful earlier today with several humpback whales having been spotted on all our tours and some of our boats also saw minke whales and white-beaked dolphins. In the afternoon, our schooner “Opal” even spotted a blue whale, the biggest animal on earth!   The weather has also been great during the…

Whales on holidays

Well, folks – it’s definetly SUMMER here in the north of Iceland! Today the sky was again deep blue and it was unusual warm, even out at sea! However, it took us some time to find the whales. We spotted several blows in the northern part of Skjálfandi Bay and close to Lundey, but the…

Sunday feeding party

Finally the rain stopped and today it was quite sunny. The wind came from north-westerly direction and it was a bit choppy when we sailed out this morning. Usually it’s a bit more difficult to spot the whales between the white caps of the waves, but of course our crew is experienced and we were…

Feeding party in midsummer

The 21st of July is supposed to be the astronomical beginning of summer. But it didn’t really feel like summer this morning. The sky was overcast and it was quite rainy. However, our passengers wee wrapped in our warm overalls and raincoats and of course the wildlife doesn’t care about the weather, so everybody was…

This is not a zoo! (?)

Today the sea was very calm and almost as flat as a mirror – best conditions for us to head out into the bay to search for some wildlife. In the middle of the bay we spotted a Humpback whale. But this individual took very long dives, so we decided to head a bit further north…

Every day is special!

The summer seems to take a break during these days – today the sky was overcast and our passengers were happy about our cosy overalls, which kept them warm when we were heading out into Skjálfandi Bay. However, the sea was very calm and visibility was good. In the morning we encountered a Humpback whale…

Four species and an old friend

Once again we had a very successful whale watching day! We encountered four different species: Close to the mountains a big feeding party was going on. Several Minke whales surfaced all around us, surrounded by hundreds of birds picking up the leftovers from the whales. In the same area a few Harbor porpoises popped up.…

Blue whales in the bay.

This morning as we headed to the bay we did not know what to expect. On our boat Garðar we set course towards the mountains in the western part of the bay. As we arrived there we noticed the big amount of birds flying there. Soon we also noticed at least three Minke whales there.…