A perfect day!

At 10am this morning we sailed out into Skjálfandi bay and the weather was perfect, the sea was completely flat and it was half clouded. It didn’t take more than 15 minutes before we spotted a Minke whale. It was very calm and we got quite close to it several times. Then we headed in…

A very hungry humpback whale….

The foggy conditions from yesterday had cleared up this morning and the conditions were almost perfect for whale watching: Good visibility and the sea was very flat as well. We left the harbour at 10:00 onboard “Náttfari” and set the course in the direction of puffin island Lundey. Just south-west of Lundey all of a…

A breaching humpback in the fog!

It has been very foggy today in Skjálfandi Bay, but despite the fog, the whale watching has been fantastic! On our tour at 10:00 we encountered three different humpback whales (one of them lob-tailing a few times) and a small group of white-beaked dolphins close to Lundey, the puffin island.   Also on the next…

A feeding party in the bay!

Today we headed out in beautiful weather conditions. The sun has been shining all day and it’s been real nice and warm.   We sailed straight west, towards the Creek Mountains and over there we were in for a treat. There were countless Minkey Whales feeding and all around us were groups of Arctic turns…

First evening tour a great success

During the day, we encountered five different species of cetaceans (whales, dolphins and porpoises) today: We spotted the blue whales again, found some feeding humpback and minke whales, met some playful white-beaked dolphins and also got a glimpse at the smallest whale here in the North Atlantic, the harbour porpoise. In addition to our tours…

Whale watching paradise

The whale watching here in Skjálfandi Bay is just hard to top these days and also today we had three absolutely amazing trips!!!   During the tour at 10:00, we encountered two very relaxed humpback whales that spend a while right next to our boat. While we were watching the two humpbacks, we suddenly spotted…

What a day!

It has been a fantastic day for whale watching here in Skjálfandi Bay with very good weather conditions and four species of whales! The day started with at least two minke whales close to the “Fish Rock” in the western part of the bay. We could watch the minke whales feeding close to the surface,…

The whale party continues

The whale watching is just amazing these day here in Skjálfandi Bay, and today was no exception! It started with two nice groups of white-beaked dolphins and two humpback whales, one of them taking a little nap next to our boat, on the tour at 10:00. On the next tour (at 13:30) we saw some…