Minkes and dolphins

We left the harbour at 10:00 this morning in hope to find the humpback whale again. We did not find the humpback whale again on this tour, but found several minke whales and also some nice white-beaked dolphins. The weather conditions were also pretty nice so all in all it was a nice tour.  …

Dull or Magnificent

Last days have been strange. Some days have been quiet, not many whales, and if we find some they are hard to follow. Other days have been more than great, tons of dolphins, minkes, humpbacks and even rumours of bottlenose whales. But yesterday was the strangest.   Me and captain Hreiðar went out for the…

No Sign of the August Trouble

This is now my fourth season as a whale watching guide at North Sailing‘s. Of course all of the summers have been great, plenty of whales and the success rate probably among the highest one can find worldwide. The seasons have been somewhat different from each others, for example, last year was truly the year…

A beautiful day in the bay

This morning was a little foggy, but during the day it lightened up and the sun started shining. I went on two tours today and both tours were very successful. We spotted white beaked dolpins, a minke whale and some incredably calm humpback whales that swam around us and were kind of curious about our…

Better weather outlook for Monday

The weather forecast for Monday, August 15th is relatively good so hopefully we´ll be able to sail out at 08:50 and 10:00 o´clock, and according to schedule after that.   For information and booking, please contact us via e-mail; info@northsailing.is or phone: +354 464 7272.   NSO-1 Ólafsfjörður Whale Watching, will however, be closed for…

Special guests

In passing weeks we had two special guests going out whale watching on our boats.   Anna Floistrup (Denmark) was a really enthusiastic whale watcher and wanted to try all of our different boats so she went for SEVEN trips in just a few days! Here is Anna happy onboard Schooner Haukur:     A…

Humpbacks and Minkes

This morning was cold and the waves were high, but there were a lot of whales in the bay. We found three or four humpback whales and around five minke whales. One of the humpbacks was incredibly calm and relaxed around us and came up really close to our boat, only 2-3 meters from the…