The bay full of life

Today, as we got out to Skjálfandaflói we set the course towards the area where we had seen plenty of whales yesterday. On the way towards the western part we enjoyed the weather and the sailing. As we came closer to the mountains we opened our eyes even more than before to find the whales from…

Minke whale festival

This morning as we headed out for whale watching we were not expecting good weather. But as we got to the bay we were surprised how good the weather was. As we reached the middle of the bay we saw a minke whale. We got a great view at this animal. Hawing watched this animal…

Feeding frenzy in Skjálfandi Bay!!!

Today we had some amazing whale watching tours here in Skjálfandi Bay: The area close to the mountains was filled with life! Already from a distance we could see hundreds of seabirds (mainly Arctic Terns, Kittiwakes and Fulmars) feeding close to the surface and as we got closer, we spotted minke whales, minke whales and…

Whales in the rain

After yesterday’s very successful afternoon, we set the course immediately in a north-westerly direction, towards the area where all the whales have been yesterday afternoon. As we arrived in the area, there was absolutely no sign of any whale or dolphin activity, so we decided to sail further west, towards the snow-covered mountains. Pretty close…

Four species on one trip!

Today was a really crazy day here in Skjálfandi Bay! Especially the tour at 13:30 was a really special one: On this tour we encountered four different species! It started with a very nice group of white-beaked dolphins close to the mountains in the western part of the bay and after taking a good look…

Dolphin day in Skjálfandi Bay

We have had three very nice tours in fantastic weather conditions today: The sun was shining almost the whole day, there was not a single cloud to be seen and the sea was as flat as a mirror.   On all three trips we encountered minke whales, harbour porpoises and large numbers of white-beaked dolphins.…

The baleen whales are back!

We started our tour this morning by taking a good look at the puffins at Lundey, the puffin island here in Skjálfandi bay. It is always a pleasure to see these charismatic little “clowns of the sea” close-up and preparing everything for the upcoming nesting season.   We continued our trip as we set the…