Dolphin day in the bay

    This morning it was quite windy out on Skjálfandi Bay and the waves were impressive. We sailed out and headed north towards Lundey (Puffin Island) hoping to run into some whales. Fortunately we did after a while, a minke whale came up pretty close to our boat but then disappeared after blowing powerfully…

A breaching minke whale!

Exactly a week ago we reported a minke whale that breached over 40 times. This morning it happend again. We were heading home, had already had our hot chocolate when we saw the minke whale jumping in the distance. It had jumped several times before we reached it and once we were closer it stopped and…

Minke whales in the bay

It was the perfect day for whale watching this morning as the bay was calm and the sun was shining. We headed south towards Lundey (Puffin Island) and got really lucky! 2 minke whales were practically competing with each other for the attention of the whale watchers, coming up with at the same time again…

Whales again

Turns out I was right yesterday, we luckily rarely have two days in a row without whales. We (me, Hrólfur   and Hörður) went out this morning on Náttfari. It was not nearly as windy as yesterday and even no wind after about an hour out on sea. Around the middle of the bay we…

Singing in the bay

The south wind was quite strong again today, not quite as drastic as last week, but for a part of the morning tour it was a bit loud. We were so lucky to have a large group of Icelandic girls onboard who sing in a choir in Reykjavík and on the way into the harbour they sang a few Icelandic songs for the other passangers and…

A nice sunny whale watching day

  Guide bibbi coming from the crow's nest It was the perfect day to go out whale watching, a little cold yes but sunny and minke whales and a humpback whale to see. Sadly, I was stuck at the office all day so I could only enjoy this weather by looking out the office window. Bibbi and Himmi were therefore on…

A whale project for kids

A group of youngsters from the local school went out this morning but the trip was a part of a whale   Hilda teaches the kids to fish and captain Hreiðar makes sure she does it right project that they participate in. The project is run by Þórhildur Jónsdóttir and the aim is to educate…

The success continues

  The nice weather from yesterday unfortunately did not stick around for long, but all the same it was calm and nice. And of course, the whales don't care if it's sunny or not so we had the same luck with them as yesterday or 3-4 minke whales and yesterday's humpback whale was still in the…

A fantastic day in the bay

I had a day off today and instead Himmi went out for the first time this season, with captain Hrólfur. It seems like the whales heard about Himmi's arrival and welcomed him into the bay. At least four minke whales were seen today but also one humpback whale. The weather was also fantastic, warm and nice…

Sei whale or not?

Another sunny day and even better than yesterday. We went out on Náttfari at ten o‘clock, me, captain Hrólfur and Hörður as an engineer. After sailing for maybe 20 minutes Hörður thought he saw some movement far away, south of Húsavík in the inner part of the bay. We have not seen much of the…

A good whale-day

We went out twice today and the wind was lot calmer than yesterday but still, it was quite windy and the conditions to search for whales were not the best. All the same, we spotted in total 4 species today, although we only managed to see three of them properly. The humpback whales were, like often, the…

A windy day

It was really windy this morning so we delayed the tour for an hour because the weather forecast predicted less wind later in the day. Unfortunately the wind did not calm down so it was extremly windy the whole tour which made it difficult searching for whales. We saw though a small group of dolphins…