Sunny Mountainside

Today was foggy out on Skjálfandi Bay, but luckily we ran into two humpback whales in the middle of the bay. Both were busy feeding close to the surface and diving very rapidly, lifting the fluke almost everytime, but only diving for a minute or so – just the perfect humpbacks to watch. After having…

Incredible whales in good weather

Ok, so maybe generally speaking todays weather isn’t that great, but compared to the weather we’ve had through most of June it was great. I managed two trips without putting on the windbreaker, hat and gloves. The trips themselves were pretty amazing as well. The first trip I went on Náttfari with cpt. Hrólfur, engineer…

A little rain, but many whales

Whale watching today has been good, cloudy and grey, sun bursting through from time to time, but mostly grey and even a little rain. Three species have been spotted today, humpbacks, minkes and white beaked dolpins. The dolphins were quite playful, jumping and splashing around and even playing with the humpback. The humpback was very…

Wet whale watching

The weather today was pretty horrible; cold, windy and it rained hard. Despite this we sailed into the bay with some passengers today. After sailing for a short while we managed to find a blue whale and some white-beaked dolphins in the same area. While we were following these whales around we ran into two…

Bay full of blues

No, B.B. King is not touring Iceland. Skjálfandi Bay is currently full of blue whales today I went out on two tours, saw many blue whales, some white-beaked dolphins, and two minke whales. Both tours were absolutely amazing. This is my third year working as a whale watching guide and the blue whales still leave…

Blue whale seen from the air!

The largest animal on Earth, the Blue whale, was photographed from air this morning.  In addition to the boats of North Sailing going out for whale watching, Heimir Harðarson and Mark Carwardine flew over the bay and shot these photos here below.     North Sailing’s boat Náttfari out for whale watching.  Obviously there is…

5 species in one trip!

Náttfari (lit. one/he who travels at night) was true to his name as he came into harbor around midnight tonight after a magnicifent tour.  Five species were spotted in the tour and not all of them of the smaller variety, to say the least.  In fact, White-Beaked Dolphin, Minke whale, Humpback, Fin whale and Blue…

Blue whales in the sunshine

When we went out this morning, we finally had nice weather and beautiful whale watching conditions: The sun was shining and the sea was much calmer than it had been the days before. We left the harbour at 10:00 and set the course north-west, directly towards the area where we had seen the blue whales…

Icelandic National Day

Today is Icelandic National Day, although the whales in Skjálfandi Bay seem not to care too much. We went out this morning in a northern wind, the air was cold and moist. In the Mid-Bay we met a couple of White Beaked Dolphins, but they were not in a mood for a show, so we…